Category: BoardGame
Description: In "78" you got to make as many hands as you can to post
a WIN over your opponent.
To get a hand the only thing you got to do is to throw
a card higher than what your opponent has played,
ACE is highest card.
When you deal - the minimum hands you should make are
7 or else you have to make 8.
Whatever hands you make over the minimum for example when you are playing minimum 8 and you make 10 hands your score becomes 10 - 8 = 2.
When any one scores more than 5 he/she wins.
You can choose a trump color, which in that game is higher over other colors.
Tags: 7, 8, Adictive, Cards, Club, Diamond, Eight, Heart, Kids, Seven, Seventy, SeventyEight, Simple, Spade, card
Games Like This: 78 a Free Online Game
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