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  Tumble Gator A Free Online Game
Box Ninja Versus Box Ninjas A Free Online Game
Box Ninja Versus Box Ninjas
Shoot the Monkey A Free Online Game
Shoot the Monkey
Fupa Paddle A Free Online Game
Fupa Paddle
epic shooting A Free Online Game
epic shooting
Underwater sniper A Free Online Game
Underwater sniper
Bee Swarm A Free Online Game
Bee Swarm

Online death Games
Stick Master DX Game

Plays: 17094
Category: Adventure
You are the legendary Stick Master. Demon thugs have finally come to seek revenge for the death of their leader. They kidnap your daughter and have taken her to the Dark Lord. You must once again fight to rescue your little girl!
Stick Survival Game

Plays: 10736
Category: Action
Fight the other sticks to the death. How long can you last?
Zombie Death Match Game

Plays: 6985
Category: Fighting
Battle other zombies to become the death match champion! You are defending your turf and the other zombies want it. They will do everything they can to get it. Defend it using your trusty zombie leg to beat them back. Watch out for the butcher boss!
Zombie killer Game

Plays: 5775
Category: Fighting
Use the zombie to kill the others!
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Fupa Dragon Slayer Game

Plays: 5038
Category: Action
As a fupa mage you must seek and destroy the fupa dragon that has been harming the fupa world, Use your two spells and some fine movements to avoid death and take out the mean fupa dragon! Good luck!
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stick to death Game

Plays: 4862
Category: Action
kill the enemy
Death to Cerebus Game

Plays: 4257
Category: Adventure
Travel through the maze to defeat the evil three headed dog Cerebus. Help your town and become the hero in the game 'Death to Cerebus".
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The Death Game

Plays: 4004
Category: Shooting
You are the last hope of an acient alien race that has ecaped the goverment. But Uncle Sam doesn't like hostiles.
defeat death Game

Plays: 3619
Category: Action
you are in a scary place and you need to defeat death
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Box Ninja Versus Box Ninjas Game

Plays: 3267
Category: Fighting
Fight Your Way Through A Lost Land Of Box Ninjas Located In The Bermuda Triangle
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Plays: 2926
Category: Driving
destroy the police to win
Diesel and Death Game

Plays: 23443
Category: Other Games
Race your bike across the junkyard, pass the flag first or destroy your opponent to win!
Solid Snake Soundboard Game

Plays: 18230
Category: Other Games
A soundboard made of audio clips from the famous Solid Snake.
Rocket Platforms Game

Plays: 10030
Category: Action Games
Jump From Platform To Platform to avoid certain death in this simple, yet classic arcade like game. Features High Score System and Two MultiPlayer Modes
Hold The Line Game

Plays: 115178
Category: Shooting Games
Hold off bands of marauding stick-figures that would like nothing more than to see you die a horrible, horrible death.
Elements Game

Plays: 39095
Category: BoardGame Games
Elements is a free fantasy online card game. Hundreds of creatures, spells, magic and artifacts to play with.
Heli Shooter Game

Plays: 27181
Category: Shooting Games
You are in control of the final stick warrior survivor. Fight to your death...
Space Rocks! Game

Plays: 6920
Category: Shooting Games
Defend your ship from the evil Space -Rocks, destroy as many as possible before your inevitable death.
InterGalactic Game

Plays: 5385
Category: Shooting Games
Shoot aliens, collect weapons, and score as much as you can!!! (ctrl = shoot); (arrows = move); (hold ctrl = power shots); (space-bar = launch/retract robo). In a far distant future... You have been assigned as the last and only hope in saving the Galaxy. The unknown enemy has destroyed all but a few outposts of the Human civilisation. You have the latest technology in your space ship: a time reverser that can save you at the instance of death and throw you back through time, although there is only a limited amount of temporal energy to perform this three times, if we can build up more this will be sent to you. We have the very best working on upgrading your ship's weapons and satellite droids, which will be deployed to you en route. Good luck.
AC-130 Spectre Game

Plays: 118121
Category: Action Games
If you love airplanes look no further this game allows you to be in control of an AC-130! You will have to destroy enemy buildings and aircraft without blowing yourself up! Watch out because one wrong move can get you into huge aircraft trouble!

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