Forty Thieves Solitaire - Play this Free Online BoardGame Game which is a cards game, solitaire and all free games on Pulado
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Play Forty Thieves Solitaire

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Game Instructions

Category: BoardGame
Description: In this solitaire card game you need to move all the cards to the 8 foundation piles at the upper right corner. The foundation piles must be built in suit from A to K. You can use the tableau piles (the middle 10 piles) to hole the cards temporarily while you build up the cards in the foundation piles. Each time you can only move the top card in a tableau pile, and you can put a card in a tableau pile only if it has the same suit and is 1 point smaller than the top card in the pile. There is a stock card on the top left and you can click the pile and turn a card to the waste pile. You can move the top card from the waste pile to the foundation or tableau piles. When you have used all the stock cards, and you still cannot put all the cards to the foundation, then you lose the game.
Games Like This: Forty Thieves Solitaire a Free Online Game
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Tips: Enemy graphics do not need to move. Movement is taken care of by the engine. Animals and things should walk in place.