Category: Education
Description: This is a quiz of human anatomy and human physiology. The quiz has 10 questions with four answers where only one is correct. This is the first part of this quiz. So test yourself how much you know about human anatomy and physiology. Ky eshte nje kuiz nga anatomia e njeriut dhe fiziologjia e njeriut. Kuizi ka 10 pyetje me nga kater pergjigje ku vetem njera eshte e sakte. Kjo eshte pjesa e pare e ketij kuizi. Pra testoni veten se sa dini rreth anatomise dhe fiziologjise se njeriut.
Tags: en, fiziologjia e njeriut pyetje dhe përgjigje, human anatomy bones quiz, human anatomy quiz, human anatomy quiz for kids, human anatomy quiz game, human anatomy quiz lojë, human anatomy quiz questions, human anatomy quiz questions and answers, human anatomy test, human anatomy trivia, human body quiz, human muscle anatomy quiz, human physiology exams, human physiology online quizzes, human physiology questions and answers, human physiology quiz questions, human physiology quizzes, human physiology test, ko
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