Category: Puzzles
Description: Win friends. Influence people. Then screw them over. Play Kami, the power game that tells you how ambitious you are.
Kami is an ancient game invented in China by the revered Emperor Yao in order to teach his son the skills he would need to lead the Dynasty. Sadly the game exposed his heir as a dullard who was lacking in all of the qualities needed to rule the state: tenacity, charm, will, foresight and intensity.
Kami is a game of territory and power decided by ever shifting alliances and ever changing strategies. In Kami you will learn that ruthlessness without charm is not enough. That charm without intelligence is meaningless. That intelligence without allies is ineffectual. And in the process you will learn about yourself and just how far you would be prepared to go to attain your ambitions.
As the poet wrote:
If Kami is a game, then so is life, both governed by the same four rules:
When you wish to lead, watch those behind you. When you wish to follow, watch those ahead.
When you want to love, look beside you. When you want to hate, look inside your head.
In life we learn these things over many years ... In Kami we learn them in an instant.
Kami is a satisfying real time flash game for 1 – 9 players that operates on many levels and provides you with an accurate reading of your character and ability as a tactician. The rules are easy, until you realise that the battle is raging inside your head!
Tags: RTS, alliances, backstab, boar, capture, chinese, diplomacy, dog, dragon, hare, horse, japanese, kami, land, monkey, moxy, multi, multi-player, multiplayer, ox, personality, ram, rat, real time, rooster, snake, social, strategy, tiger, zodiac
Games Like This: Kami a Free Online Game
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