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Online Bu Games
Kurtlar Vadisi-Polat alemdar Puzzle Game

Plays: 24204
Category: Puzzles Games
Bakalim Ne kadar kurtlar vadisi hayranisin.Hafizana Güveniyorsan Polat in bu oyununu çöz
Ask-i Memnu Yapboz Game

Plays: 9018
Category: BoardGame Games
Serinin 2. oyunu, bu oyunda yine çok özel resimler mevcut, Adnan Bey'in Nihal'in, Bülent'in , Bihter ve Behlül'ün Çok Özel çizim resimleri sizleri beklemekte, parçalari birlestir en kisa zamanda sen bitir!. Skorunu kaydetmeyi unutma!
S O S Game

Plays: 7582
Category: BoardGame Games
Okul siralarinin vazgeçilmez oyunu S.O.S. artik bilgisayar ekraninda.3 Tane S harfini yanyana, üstüste ya da çapraz bir sekilde ardarda getirirseniz oyunu kazaniyorsunuz. Oyun Kolay ve Zor olmak üzere iki seçenekten olusuyor. Bu iki seçenekten birini seçin ve oynamaya baslayin. Iyi eglenceler...

Plays: 6513
Category: Puzzles Games
Beyeniyle izlenen Aanali dizisinin 2 basrol oyuncusu Maraz Ali ve Adanali bu yapbozda beraberler.
Recep Ivedik Yeni Yapboz Game

Plays: 6071
Category: BoardGame Games
Recep Ivedik'in hiç bir yerde olmayan portre çiziminin oldugu bu oyunda Recep abiyi kizdirmadan en kisa sürede parçalari birlestirmelisin, skorunu kaydetmeyi unutma
Veda Yapboz Game

Plays: 5330
Category: BoardGame Games
Veda, ölüme meydan okuyan bir kusagin hikayesi. Filmde sadece Atatürk'ün hayati anlatilmiyor, ayni zamanda bir döneme isik tutuluyor. 26Subat'ta gösterime girecek olan bu güzel filmi izlemenizi tavsiye ederiz. Bu filmin çok özel karelerinden olusmus yapboz oyunu sizlerle iyi eglenceler.
Kick Bu Game

Plays: 5265
Category: Action Games
"Bu" is a popular messenger emoticon in Asia. Bu's creator, Bei, has created this kick up game for those dull moments in your long work day.
PB Frikik Game

Plays: 4317
Category: Sports Games
Choose your league, choose your team. Start scoring from freekicks and win your matches to be the champion. (Bu oyun Turkcedir :) )
Ayseyi Giydirme Game

Plays: 3939
Category: Dress-Up Games
Ayse hangi kiyafetini giyecegini bilemiyor ve bu yüzden sizden yardim istiyor, Hadi ona giyinmesi için yardim edelim.
Go-Karts Türk Game

Plays: 3520
Category: Action Games
AirFighting Game

Plays: 3190
Category: Driving Games
Fight with enemy in air,they are strong!so you must bu carefull! Good luck for you!
Dynasty War Game

Plays: 3058
Category: Action Games
Dynasty War is the conflict of Three Kingdoms in the ravaged land of Han Dynasty. Choose one out of the four rulers to take initiative and conquer the entire map. Fight your rivals in increasingly difficult battles, using 3 from 8 officers you can cycle, 8 warrior types, buildings, sorceries, other upgrades, and control your army’s movement using two different modes for advanced tactics. Rewrite history and be the Emperor of the Chinese land!
panda gun shop Game

Plays: 2928
Category: Action Games
This is a small bar, shabby little wooden door, very ordinary. but there are often some dealings, here sell what is it? Enter the store, in the secret place see the shopkeeper, originally this is illegal trafficking guns place, because the shopkeeper warm hospitality, price justice. so more ane more people come here to bu guns. all kinds of guns for the guests choose and buy. the shopkeeper was besieged with, so high salary hired an saaistant, that is you. Want to get high salary isn't easy, come here to buy guns customers aviolent temper, if delay time, customers but to wipe gun fire. and there is some jealous store business bad often came to make trouble. how can we let shop safe and a thriving business?
Guest What? Game

Plays: 2050
Category: Education Games
En: Your goal is to add the numbers shown on the screem in mind. Decide how the numbers will be shown on the screen by filling the blanks below. Depending on the blanks you filled the numbers will be shown on he screen and you will have to add these number. Wright the result you found and check if correct. Good Luck on this game! Tr: Oyundaki amaç gösterilen sayilari zihinden toplamak. Sayilarin nasil görünecegine siz karar veriyorsunuz. Belirlediginiz özelliklere göre ekranda sayilar görünecek ve sizden bu sayilarin toplami istenecek. Buldugunuz sonucu yazip kontrol edeceksiniz. Bakalim ne kadar basarilisiniz? Bil Bakalimda basarilar dileriz.
Tacoyaki Game

Plays: 1671
Category: Puzzles Games
Arrange the circles to be the same color, bu turning them. Be aware, when you turn one, the circles nearby also turn and change their color. Test your logic and strategy.
Gentle Spring Dressup Game

Plays: 1459
Category: Customize Games
Have you ever tried Dresses bu?i h?n hò? You would be really gentle, comfortable and stylish in this Dresses for this season.Try out these dresses in this collection then you believe in my words.

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