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Online Communist Games
Venusian Vengeance Episode 2 Game

Plays: 11175
Category: Action Games
Run 'n' Gun your way through communist controlled Venus in this episodic series. In the second episode, Jon Dagger has made his way to a security outpost which blocks his path to the bridge which will lead to the Communist secret laboratory.
Venusian Vengeance Episode 4 Game

Plays: 10704
Category: Action Games
Run 'n' Gun your way through communist controlled Venus in this episodic series. In the fourth episode, Sgt Jon Dagger has found a cave that will lead to the surface.
Venusian Vengeance Episode 1 Game

Plays: 10486
Category: Action Games
Run 'n' Gun your way through communist controlled Venus in this episodic series. The first episode finds Sgt. Jon Dagger landing on Venus in search of the secret Soviet Science Station.
Venusian Vengeance Episode 5 Game

Plays: 10097
Category: Action Games
Run 'n' Gun your way through communist controlled Venus in this episodic series. In the fifth and final episode, Sgt. Jon Dagger discovers the secret behind the Communist Weapon Laboratory.
Apox Wing Game

Plays: 5175
Category: Action Games
On the 20th of May 2010, the Saudia Ariabian government was overthrown by an organization of hardcore islamic communist radicals . They were known as the Ridyah Movement and they started a holy jihad against the free states of the world. One by one the Middle East fell, first Yemen, Omar, the UAE, Qatar. Then Israel, Iraq and Iran. Soon the whole of Africa most of Asia (except China and SE Asia) was rapidly taken over by the Movement. There were only three powers in the Northern Hemisphere left who could do anything about the Movement. Germany, Britian and The United States (France and Italy were too busy with a war against each other and Russia had already fallen) formed a pact at Apox, Germany to counter the Movement. The Governments of Canda, Australia and New Zealand also signed this treaty. The RAF, the Luftwaffe and the USAF (along with the RNZAF, RAAF, and the AIRCOMM) are part of a special anti-movement alliance known as Apox Wing. Your mission is to take one of the planes supplied by one of the three Northern Airforces and wipe out the Ridyah fleet in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Battle of Vietnam Game

Plays: 3738
Category: Action Games
As a member of the elite forces squadron, your mission is to eliminate the communist threat that is once again rising from Vietnam. You are alone... and heavy armed!
Red Escape Game

Plays: 2960
Category: Action Games
A communist county - they are everywhere! A komsomol member, a sportswoman and just an ordinary Russian girl Nadya wants to esape from this red hell! Help the girl to run away from bloody clutches of deathly machine on the roofs of a city and destroy the ghosts of communist leaders!
Communist Revolution Game

Plays: 25505
Category: Puzzles Games
Revolutionary smuggling occurs at the feet of our brother! After passing through all enemy obstacles and prove their allegiance to the party!

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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.