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Online EU Games

Plays: 7845
Category: Action Games
Nous avons tous déjà eu cette envie de donner des baffes à ZABA (Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali). Maintenant c'est possible !!
European Cities Game

Plays: 7240
Category: Puzzles Games
Do you know where the major European cities are?
Hardcast Monkey Game

Plays: 3365
Category: Puzzles Games Radio Hardcast & Social Media Network Hardcast Games / Community - Duell Game, Leaderboard
Bug Chaser Pinball Game

Plays: 2971
Category: Action Games
Enter the fragrant mines and reclaim what the insects have taken... FEATURES: PLAY ON YOUR OWN SCHEDULE - 3 different modes to suit your needs OWN THE MINES - Online Leaderboards will test you against the entire world of other players MYSTERY OF THE INSECTS - Can't YOU locate the secret bonus round in the scorpion nest? BALLS EVERYWHERE - Launch as many as you want at once Also coming soon free on iOS eu xeu eu
Act for Culture Game

Plays: 2810
Category: Action Games
The campaign we are more – act for culture in Europe encourages individuals and organisations across Europe to get involved and stand up for increased support to arts, culture and heritage in the next EU budget 2014-2020. 2012 is a key decision-making year during which the EU budget 2014-2020 will be voted upon by Members of the European Parliament and Ministers from the Member States. EU support to culture over the next seven years is at stake and the negotiations over the first four months of the year will be crucial.
Extraemotion DRESS-UP Game

Plays: 2374
Category: Dress-Up Games
Extraemotion DRESS-UP è il primo banner game degli EXTRAEMOTION by Hobby Game. Scopri quali tra tutti gli Extraemotion provenienti dal pianeta DoubleFace sono atterrati sulla Terra il 21/12/2012.

Plays: 2111
Category: Action Games
Il nuovo banner game degli Extraemotion by Hobby Game Questa volta sarà Nonnet l'extraterrestre il protagonista del videogioco. Nonnet è appena caduto dall'astronave degli Extraemotion solo tu puoi salvarlo da una caduta disastrosa. Attutisci l'atterraggio del simpatico alieno grazie ad un semplice e "fragile" ombrello!
Extraemotion - IL VIAGGIO SPAZIALE Game

Plays: 1361
Category: Adventure Games
Extraemotion - IL VIAGGIO SPAZIALE, un nuovo Banner Game degli Extraemotion : Il videogioco è stato Creato da Hobby Game, il portale web per lo sviluppo e la creazione di videogiochi.

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Tips: For a scope shot set the Player weapon speed to zero. Change the player weapon graphic to a circle that gets quickly smaller and then stretch the frame out around 4000 frames so it doesn't repeat itself.