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FastFood Games

Featured Free Online FastFood Games

Top Rated Online FastFood Games

Newest Free FastFood Games

Katpow Express
Katpow Express
Angry Chubby
Angry Chubby
Cooking Hot Dog
Cooking Hot Dog

Online FastFood Games
Angry Chubby Game

Plays: 6481
Category: Adventure Games
Are you sick and tired of the fast food Industry? Then why not throw some fat people at them with a catapult or a cannon and see how they like getting fat in their faces! Throw fat people at the various evil food chains, upgrade your chubbies and do more damage!
Katpow Express Game

Plays: 2060
Category: Other Games
Why go to an asian restaurant when you can run one!Whether its in the alley, kitchen, or front counter you must watch out for your stock, burnt items or angry clients! Take the helm of a starting asian restaurant franchise and serve as many clients as you can, as fast as you can! Time is money my friends! and the more money you get, the closer you come to getting PI.M.P.!
Cooking Hot Dog Game

Plays: 1266
Category: Other Games
Do you like hot dogs? Well here's a great game in which you can learn how to prepare one of the most delicious meals. Take some cheese, vegetables like onions and tomatoes, grill the sausages on a barbecue until they get a little crispy outside and then you can wrap all the ingredients into a poppyseed hot dog bun.

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.