Online Polska Games |
EURO Championship 2012 - FootBall Manager Game
     Plays: 51025 Category: Sports Games "EURO Championship 2012 - Football Manager" is a game of football manager genre.
The player takes on the role of national team coach,
whose ultimate goal is to win the tournament, "EURO Championship" - the European Championship in Football. | St. Patricks Day Quiz Game
     Plays: 4554 Category: BoardGame Games Answer questions relating to St Patrick's Day in this interesting quiz. If you need help you can search the answer, but make sure the source if reliable as information on the internet can be incorrect. |
Króliczy Raj Game
     Plays: 4549 Category: Customize Games Opiekuj sie królikiem upewniajac sie, ze jest szczesliwy. Mozesz o to zadbac klikajac na zakladkach i zaspokajajac jego potrzeby. Powodzenia! | Soccer Cup 2012 Football Game
     Plays: 3466 Category: Action Games Funny football game for EuroSoccerCup 2012, Addictive sporting game, Have fun ! |
Pot ó Gold Game
     Plays: 3217 Category: Action Games Hit the leprechaun with as shillelagh club to collect as many coins as you can. | Periodic table in a minute 2 PL Game
     Plays: 1210 Category: Education Games Polska wersja gry. Znajdz w ukladzie okresowym w trakcie minuty, jak najwiecej nazw pierwiastków, do wylosowanego symbolu pierwiastka. |