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lag Games

Featured Free Online lag Games

Top Rated Online lag Games

Newest Free lag Games

Multiplayer Snake
Multiplayer Snake
Key Maze
Key Maze
Escape from the Trickster
Escape from the Trickster
Tower Defence
Tower Defence

Online lag Games
Multiplayer Snake Game

Plays: 15448
Category: Multiplayer Games
A four-player version of Snake. It's in beta, so all constructive feedback is welcome. Tell me what you'd like to see in the game, what you think is wrong. And most important, report any stupid bugs. Version 0.75 - Lag reduced, report any constant lag experience, thanks Version 0.7: - Players can win by eating 10 apples, or being the last snake "standing" - Minor graphical updates - 5 second autostart if the majority are ready - New rankings (Wins with Apples, Wins with Survival, Suicides and Kills) Version 0.6: - Two to Four-player games - Single player practice while waiting for other players.
Tower Defence Game

Plays: 5727
Category: Strategy Games
Defend outer space from enemy spaceships. This is a simple tower defence game. You know the drill: buy and upgrade towers, kill enemies, get to the finish. The game gets progressively harder, and there are 100 levels. **Note** It glitches sometimes when the game is over. If it doesn't go to the high scores page after the game ends, right-click and click Forward (you can do this at any point in the game if you want to submit your score without finishing.) If you discover any more bugs/glitches, please either PM me, or leave a comment with them. Also, when you get into the high levels, it tends to lag. This is something I don't know how to fix, so you will just have to deal with it.
Invaderium Game

Plays: 2375
Category: Action Games
Micro SHMUP in pure invader retro style. Create your own Invader and achieve the highest score possible in 60 seconds!
Key Maze Game

Plays: 1832
Category: Other Games
A game where you navigate across the maze, find the key, then escape. Screen may turn white due to lag. Just Wait.

Plays: 1789
Category: Action Games
Take control of an enormous Kraken beast defending a mythical underwater nation from the invading humans. Think 'Avatar' combined with '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' Attractive graphics, unique theme, addictive and challenging gameplay. Build experience points to unlock special powers. Great particle-fx explosions! (Please avoid playing this game using Chrome. There is a known lag issue caused by the browser itself)
Escape from the Trickster Game

Plays: 1393
Category: Adventure Games
Just put you in a position that your business partner cheated all your profit shares. Knowing this, you went to your partner’s house to meet him. But he trickily locked you in his house and rushing to airport to escape from the city. Are you going to lag in this house or rush to capture him? You are running out of time, so gather the clues and correlate them logically to open the door. Escape as soon as possible to arrest the trickster.

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Tips: Weapon speed can be set to zero and it will effectively create a mine.