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Online mayuiki Games
Kaleidoscope Dating Sim 2, Love, Fate, Destiny Game

Plays: 41823
Category: Dress-Up Games
This unique and original dating simulation was created in Flash, drawn by the talented and famous artist Mayuiki and coded by Kyo, sponsored by You play as Soffie, a beautiful student trapped in a Dream World. The only escape is to find true love in thirty dream cycles. Will Soffie succeed or became a Dream Soul herself? Or will she forever sleep and dream in this Dream World? Three unique characters to romance, one secret, silly character to save! Enjoy!
Kaleidoscope Dating Simulation Game

Plays: 22132
Category: Other Games
This unique and original dating simulation was created in Flash, drawn by the talented and famous artist Mayuiki and coded by Kyo, sponsored by You play as Cero, an insomniac trapped in a Dream World. The only escape is to find true love in thirty dream cycles. Will Cero succeed or became a Dream Soul himself? Or will he forever sleep and dream in this Dream World? Game Story: For the last six months, Cero, a painter, had suffered terrible insomnia. Six months ago, he had painted a beautiful portrait of someone he had met in his dream. This person was his muse, inspiring him to paint like he had never painted before. After he completed his painting, he found himself unable to sleep, even though he was desperate to meet his dream muse again. One day, during a freak accident, the painting was caught on fire. It was the only thing that burned inside Cero's house. After this incident, Cero had forgotten what his muse looked like and lost his passion for painting. Cero became a depressed insomniac after this incident. He was sure his insomnia and depression were incurable. One day, walking down Starry Beach Boardwalk, Cero met Madame Reverie, a flashy gypsy in a purple robe. "You have suffered, my child," she said with a raspy voice. She flared her nostrils and widened her cerulean eyes. "I have a cure for you." She snapped her fingers and like magic, a vile of liquid appeared on her wrinkly palm. "Take this and you will sleep well. Sleep very well." Madame Reverie smiled like Cheshire Cat and cackled like a witch. When Cero turned around, he found himself standing before an empty stand. The gypsy had disappeared. "Woah." Sleep-deprived, Cero gave this incident no other thought and walked away to enjoy the sound of waves. In the past, he had accidentally eaten a strange mushroom, and it made him hallucinate. He assumed he had imagined meeting the gypsy, even though the vile of liquid was very real. That night, Cero felt brave. He drank the tonic, a cherry-tasting liquid, in one gulp. Within seconds, he passed out on his kitchen floor, convulsing. When he woke up, he found himself engulfed in darkness. He was sure he was no longer in his own apartment. Head spinning, he stumbled around and whispered, "Where am I?" His voice echoed. Before his eyes, the room brightened. He studied his strange surroundings, surprised to see he wasn't in a room, but in the middle of a strange, new world. "Welcome to the Dream World," a melodious, female voice sang in his head. The voice sounded like it belonged to the gypsy he had met earlier, only prettier. "You are now dreaming. You have thirty dream cycles from now on. Soon, you will find doors where you can enter different Dream Realms. Within these Realms, are Dream Souls. One of these Souls can become your Soulmate. Your Soulmate can help you leave the Dream World. If you fail in finding a Soulmate, you shall become a Dream Soul as well, forever to roam lost in this World. Cero shook his head. "What a dream," he said. As he recalled, never in his life had he been able to remember his dreams. He looked around him, mesmerized by the beauty of his surroundings. A billion stars danced in the dark blue skies. Walking through the Dream City, Cero encountered nary a soul. Though the City was beautiful, it felt cold and lonely. The beauty of the place felt too eerie. "Perhaps I can get used to a place like this," Cero muttered. He thought otherwise a few minutes later. He decided this dream was really a nightmare. Walking through the empty city, Cero found himself standing in front of the same building over and over again, even though he was sure he had walked down at least five different blocks. The building was made of prism glass. Starlight bounced off the dark glass as shimmering rainbow rays. Cero decided to enter the building. The moment he walked through the front door, he felt himself pulled into the building. The door behind him flashed before melting away into nothing. He walked to the middle of the building's lobby. Before him, were six doors and a single vial of potion atop a cedar stand… Each door was made of wood that had a golden sheen. Carved on the wooden doors were glowing flowers. Peonies, roses… Cero looked around the room some more before he decided to enter one of the doors. He knocked on a door and pushed it open.
Gal Style Super Face Makeover Game! Game

Plays: 17651
Category: Dress-Up Games
Make over a stylish and beautiful anime style girl so that she's the talk of the town! Drawn by talented artist Mayuiki! Glam her up, give her the prettiest hair, eyes, lipstick and facial stickers! It's like a fun sticker pic game too!
Mina Lin Maid for Me Dressup Game Game

Plays: 5464
Category: Dress-Up Games
Mina Lin from Maid for Me cute chibi dressup game by the talented artist Mayuiki. Play the game and buy the fun book Maid for Me!
Uniform: Street Dressup Game Game

Plays: 5091
Category: Dress-Up Games
Uniform: Street Dressup Game, a mix and match dress up game for girls with Japanese anime and manga inspired uniforms and fashion. Very fun, original, cute, with hundreds of options.
Chu Dressup Game Game

Plays: 4830
Category: Dress-Up Games
Dress up cute Bee Kid Chu and have lots of fun with her/him!

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.