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rapido Games

Featured Free Online rapido Games

Top Rated Online rapido Games

Newest Free rapido Games

Cake Makers Wanted
Cake Makers Wanted
Find The Dog!!
Find The Dog!!
Stop The Bomb - Deactivator Journey -
Stop The Bomb - Deactivator Journey -
60s Type
60s Type
Opposite Arrows
Opposite Arrows
Find The Cat!!
Find The Cat!!

Online rapido Games
Find The Cat!! Game

Plays: 8361
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your mouse to locate the hidden cat, the higher you hear his voice the closer you are to him. The faster you finish means more points. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para localizar el gato escondido, a mas alto oigas su voz mas cerca estaras de el. A mas rapido acabes mas puntos logras Cuando obtengas tus puntos envia tu score! pero no cierres las ventana que se abra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
Stop The Bomb - Deactivator Journey - Game

Plays: 3908
Category: Action Games
ESPAÑOL ABAJO ============== Press the red button waiting as much as possible before the count down reaches 0. Then in the circuit, folow the yellow line as fast as possible without touching the area outside of it. When you deactivate your bomb you will get your points. Be careful to not run out of time! your bomb can explode if it reaches 0 in the clock. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! ESPAÑOL ======== Presiona el boton rojo esperando tanto como sea posible antes de que la cuenta atras llegue a 0. Luego en el circuito, sigue la linea amarilla tan rapido como puedas sin tocar el area fuera de esta. Cuando desactives tu bomba se te daran tus puntos. Ten cuidado de no quedarte sin tiempo! tu bomba puede explotar si el reloj alcanza 0. Una vez que obtengas tus puntos envialos (Boton SEND)! pero no cierres la ventana que saldra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!
Cake Makers Wanted Game

Plays: 3538
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) English ====== Make the requested cakes as fast as you can, then try to get the best mark in the world Español ====== Haz llos pasteles que se te pidan tan rapido como puedas, luego trata de conseguir la mejor puntuacion del mundo
Rapido Game

Plays: 2590
Category: Puzzles Games
Remove all circles to complete the level.
Find The Dog!! Game

Plays: 2572
Category: Action Games
(Español abajo) Description ======== Move your mouse to locate the hidden dog, the higher you hear his voice the closer you are to him. The faster you finish means more points. Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points wont be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!! Español Instrucciones ========== Mueve el raton para localizar el perro escondido, a mas alto oigas su voz mas cerca estaras de el. A mas rapido acabes mas puntos logras Cuando obtengas tus puntos envia tu score! pero no cierres las ventana que se abra o tus puntos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del Mundo!!
60s Type Game

Plays: 1655
Category: Education Games
Type the rigth keys as fast as you can to make the best score ever! Presiona las teclas correctas tan rápido como puedas para conseguir el mejor puntaje!
Opposite Arrows Game

Plays: 1244
Category: Action Games
In Opposite Arrow reaction speed is everything. Unlock 5 variants of the game, increase the challenge with 4 levels of difficulty and try to earn 8 trophies ... IF YOU CAN.

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.