Forest Fairy Kissing Game
     Plays: 1155 Category: Other Games This beautiful fairy calls the green and lush forest home. She loves the vibrant green leaves and strong tree branches that make up her lovely home in nature. She spends her free time monitoring the forest and protecting it from intruders. One day, she was routinely flying through the forest soaking up all of it's beauty when a handsome prince crossed her path. Ever since these two met, they have been inseparable. Their love radiates off of them, breathing new life into the enchanted forest. Now that they have each other, they enjoy spending their time kissing under the lovely forest canopy. Unfortunately, this smooching takes time away from her protecting the forest and this really upsets her fairy godmother. Sneak away with your prince charming and steal a kiss while your fairy godmother isn't looking. Hurry up and stop kissing whenever she looks so that you don't get caught. Smooch for as long as you can and fill up the meter to confirm your love in this fun kissing game for girls! |