Plays: 5267 Category: Action Games THE INSANITY follows the tradtion of many previous point'n'click games but also features many action sub-games to keep the player on his toes, which involve battles or solving puzzles within set time limits.
You play as Peter Langdon, a well-known journalist who is investigating the possible source of a spree of horrific movies that have sprouted up over over the web recently. Each video depicts a type of horrific torture or surgery, the combining of humans&animals, performed by a mysterious person known as Dr.Edgar Friendly. Such a stir has been created within the internet community that you and a team of fellow journalists have taken it upon yourself to trace the source. Days ago you lost contact with your team and following their trail you unwittingly fall into the lair of the Dr.Edgar Friendly himself. Is it all make-believe? Or is it real?
Game features extreme horror scenarios and of both disturbing visual gore, shock tactics and psychological horror, and should be a crowd pleaser for anyone who is into 18 rated thriller chiller movies. | Itchana2 Game
     Plays: 3079 Category: Action Games Itchana Tchones 2 : a platform game with Itchana Tchones ! |