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Online cupids Games
Cupids Revenge Game

Plays: 1616
Category: Adventure Games
Cupid is sick of the heartcandy company taking over his holiday, and decides to desttroy all of the candy,help him destroy the candy before people forget what valentines day is all about!
Cupids Archery Range Game

Plays: 1577
Category: Adventure Games
Cupid is practicing peircing hearts for valentines day, Help him get into tip top shape for his special day!
Love Wars Game

Plays: 1560
Category: Adventure Games
Cupids evil brother Stupid is in town, Cupid doesn't get along with stupid very much. Stupid has planned to attack cupid and take over valentines day for good, dont let that happen!
Cupids Football Challenge Game

Plays: 1509
Category: Action Games
Cupid has had it with people taking over his month of february. He decides to invade the major football game of the year and give them a taste of their own medicine, As cupid shoot love arrows into all the football stars, making them fall in love with eachother!
Cupids Revenge Game

Plays: 1447
Category: Adventure Games
Cupid is sick of the heartcandy company taking over his holiday, and decides to desttroy all of the candy,help him destroy the candy before people forget what valentines day is all about!
Love Wars Game

Plays: 1421
Category: Adventure Games
Cupids evil brother Stupid is in town, Cupid doesn't get along with stupid very much. Stupid has planned to attack cupid and take over valentines day for good, dont let that happen!
Cupids Archery Range Game

Plays: 1415
Category: Adventure Games
Cupid is practicing peircing hearts for valentines day, Help him get into tip top shape for his special day!
Love's Truck Game

Plays: 1365
Category: Driving Games
If you are love struck this time of the year it's time you drove love's truck! Drive the blinged out Cupids truck and help him dart as many hearts as possible in the quickest time. Have fun driving over large cupcakes and cream dipped strawberries, jump over cherries and fall in place with love's truck. Feel the love in the air and spread it over the land in this fun adventurous ride, where you get to perfect your truck driving skills. This you can drive Cupid safely and help him accomplice his mission ? Its time to find out. Show your true driver colors on this difficult route and don’t tip the love's truck over cause you will lose. Love hearts are in the air and roses are waiting to be delivered so what are you waiting for? Ge to it and drive the love truck all over the world to bring love to each awaiting soul.
Love Lays Game

Plays: 1247
Category: Education Games
Swap two adjacent hearts to make a horizontal or vertical set of three or more hearts of the same color.
Cupids Heart 2 Level Pack Game

Plays: 1246
Category: Puzzles Games
Help Cupid improve his accuracy shooting formations of ethereal hearts in this tricky archery Arcade game!

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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.