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Online drill Games

Plays: 1940
Category: Action Games
You broke the law. You’re a criminal. And now you’re on the run! But you know the drill. You’ve been busted before. If you get nabbed, it’s a direct line from the courts to the can. Going back to the can for 15-plus is not an option for you. So you have no choice. You need to run. This is Prisonhood: On The Run. You need to run. You need to jump. You need to dodge. You need to do anything to avoid capture from the boys in blue. So how far can you run before getting busted?
Touch Down Drill Game

Plays: 1860
Category: Sports Games
You are the star quarterback of your football team, Comeplete the drills by thowing balls through the tires and dodging blockers from taking you down!
Pou Girl Dentist Game

Plays: 1685
Category: Other Games
Do you think you could cure her dental issues? Just step in getting the ‘Pot Girl Dentist’ game started and follow some simple steps and you can help her smile again! Start by hydrating her mouth with water and then use a suction pump to remove it so you can be able to continue your dentist work. Use a drill to take care of the bigger cavities, use a toothbrush to make her yellow teeth white again and then pull out the black teeth and replace them with new healthier ones. Have a great time!
Mole Folk DrillDown Game

Plays: 1636
Category: Puzzles Games
A clan of moles decides to put their best talent to good use and make money setting up a mining operation. Of course, mining takes time and licenses take money, but it all comes with time and hard work. See how far you can get, collect rocks, ores and gems and improve your workforce in this game about moles, minerals and motorized drills.
Touch Down Drill Game

Plays: 1438
Category: Sports Games
You are the star quarterback of your football team, Comeplete the drills by thowing balls through the tires and dodging blockers from taking you down!
Fupaball Drill Game

Plays: 1384
Category: Action Games
You are a star quarterback in the fupa world and must make a certain amount of fupa balls into the tires inorder to ready yourself for playoffs, Avoid getting hit by the oncoming footballs and tires! Good luck!
Tafelstrainen Game

Plays: 1287
Category: Education Games
"Tafels trainen" (in English: tables training) is a simple math game that has been developed to help children with their math-drill. You can practice the multiplication tables up to 10, gain levels and best of all: the sums are adjusted at your skills during the game. If you create an account, your progress is being registered in the database so you can continue your workout the next time.

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Tips: When using the Multiple Opponents option you must create an SWF where each frame is a different opponent. It will detect how many frames you have and randomly choose one each time they spawn. Each individual frame can have it's own independant animating movieclip inside.