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Online fitness Games
Yoga Time with Kim Game

Plays: 1770
Category: Dress-Up Games
Breath in, breath out, and relax with yoga instructor Kim. Take a fun fitness adventure into some styling spandex and yoga bands complete with too cute headband and arm band accessories.
Get Up and Get Down Game

Plays: 1391
Category: Dress-Up Games
If you want to know the formula for completing a fitness routine, you should get a fitness pal! It's awesome to invite your friends to push you to your limit! As soon as you get the right equipment and the fitness magazines with unique exercises, you can motivate yourself to get those perfect abs after warming up with a great cardio routine. Look into tightening up those abs with some core exercises and strengthening your arms by blending in some light weights with some shoulder circles!
Fitness Girl Dress Up Game

Plays: 1361
Category: Dress-Up Games
The Fitness Girl is ready for her run, help her decide what to wear while staying in shape.
Athletic Hidden Room Game

Plays: 1241
Category: BoardGame Games
Addictive hidden object game in new interpretation. You have to work as a cleaner in the elite fitness club in this game. At fist find all cloths that were forgotten by the club members. Then go to the gym and find the sneakers left by footballers. And at last find and put into the appropriate place all superfluous things in the corner of the gym. But be in hurry as you should work quickly as the time is limited.
Endurance Logger Game

Plays: 1208
Category: Sports Games
Endurance Logger - it's a free open source fitness tracker, that allow you to track your progress on pushups/pullups/squats/situps/dips and help you to reach your fitness goals.
Fitness wearing for christmas holiday Game

Plays: 1027
Category: Customize Games
Have you ever tried Dresses? You would be really gentle, comfortable and stylish in this Dresses for this season.Try out these dresses in this collection then you believe in my words.
How Fit Are You Game

Plays: 946
Category: Puzzles Games
How fit are you? Answer our questions and find out in this free quiz for girls!

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.