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Online predator Games
Spider Web Game

Plays: 1996
Category: Action Games
Some naughty little bees have wondered into the dominion of the spider. Time for the predator to enjoy its feast! But before doing so, the spider needs to trap its preys or they will fly away. When the game opens, the spider will be lurking on the edge of its dominion. Use the four arrow keys on your keyboard to move it around and divide the area by spinning red silk and the bees will be trapped. You will receive 100 points for each bee successfully caught. Initially the spider has 3 lives, as displayed at the top left corner. If a bee cuts the silk before a web is completed, the spider will lose a life. When all of the lives are gone, the game ends. Do not let the mouth-watering preys escape!
Hungry Piranha Game

Plays: 1563
Category: Strategy Games
In Hungry Piranha, you are a small piranha, and you must eat smaller fish than you to grow. You have to eat constantly to sustain power, so always be on the lookout. Always dodge larger fish so you won't become their prey. Do you have what it takes to be the most feared predator in the fresh water food chain?

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