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Online slug Games
BoxFace Game

Plays: 2828
Category: Action Games
BoxFace, armed with his bag on his head and the laser gun he lucky acquired, is now equip to save the world from the evil alien slug thingies! Get ready for a space adventure!
The Karmaze Game

Plays: 2318
Category: Puzzles Games
Interact with objects and other beings as you go through various forms of life and try to reach the end of the maze.
Twenty9 Game

Plays: 1587
Category: Action Games
You take control of 'slug', a master air jumping mollusk, sent in to each of the '29' to retreive the golden spinners. Problem is, the water is rising! You must make your way to the top of each level to enter the exit pod, whilst collecting golden spinners along the way - and trying to pick up bonus spinners in awkward spots. Avoid water at all costs! Can you make it to level 29 ?
Metal Slug Game

Plays: 1517
Category: Adventure Games
This is an awesome "Metal Slug" clone, shooting game, where you've to infiltrate into the enemy territory and shoot down all the hostile guards that come along your way. Destroy the enemy tanks and choppers without getting killed. Rescue the prisoners along the way, they'll give you new weapon upgrades, health packs or points. You've got limited ammo, so don't let it waste away. If you get killed you'll be able to continue the game with a new life, but if you lose all your lives then sadly, it'll be game over. Good luck dude! This game is not in English language, so Left Click on the Second Button on the title screen to view the instructions and then Left Click the bottom right button to continue. Then select a difficulty level from the three buttons shown. Finally select your character to begin the game. You can also change the control keys. Left Click on the Third Button on the title screen and press the desired keys for the different default controls. Finally click on the Left Button to save your changes. If you click the Right Button then the default controls will be restored.

Plays: 1323
Category: Action Games
Zombie Survivalsm Game

Plays: 1292
Category: Adventure Games
Zombie Survival: SM is a side scrolling platformer action flash game about zombie survival featuring sprites from the Metal Slug series. Shoot or slash at zombies until they die. Survive through waves of zombies, buy various upgrade to become more powerful etc. How long can you last?
creazy kind Game

Plays: 1290
Category: Puzzles Games
metal slug creazy kind
Metal Slug Defendor Game

Plays: 1156
Category: Action Games
Metal slug chaos, upgrade your weapon, destroy the enemy attack!

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Tips: When using the Multiple Opponents option you must create an SWF where each frame is a different opponent. It will detect how many frames you have and randomly choose one each time they spawn. Each individual frame can have it's own independant animating movieclip inside.