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  Lord of The Skies A Free Online Game
Treasure Robbers A Free Online Game
Treasure Robbers
Cabbage Toss A Free Online Game
Cabbage Toss
Space Dragons A Free Online Game
Space Dragons
Tabular Ball A Free Online Game
Tabular Ball
TSA vs Santa A Free Online Game
TSA vs Santa
Chuckle A Free Online Game

Online date Games
Bedroom Dress Up Game

Plays: 12982
Category: Dress-Up Games
Dress up this girl for her date. Choose from different tops, hair, dresses and more.
Karaoke Dress Up Game

Plays: 12558
Category: Dress-Up Games
A sweet couple on an exciting date at the karaoke parlor - can you suggest what clothes they should each wear?
Happy Valentine's Game

Plays: 11723
Category: Other Games
You are in a city park with a beatiful girl who loves roses. You have until midnight to pick as many roses as you can. Watch out that the gardener does not see you.
Stanley Hedgehog Game

Plays: 3186
Category: Puzzles Games
Help Stanley Hedgehog find love by cooking a delisious stew for his sweetheart. It won't be easy though, plenty of obsticles will prevent Stanley making his date on time.

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.