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Online load Games
FrogFly Game

Plays: 8392
Category: Puzzles Games
Help a Frog find his way to a Fly, in 50 challenging levels. FrogFly is a game where you control the movement of a Frog towards a Fly, through 50 levels of increasing difficulty. FrogFly also features these kinds of special objects: Ice tiles- They are slippery, and your Frog tends to go straight on out of your control. Fly Trap plants- The only possible cause of death for your Frog. A system of passwords allows you to resume the game at the level where you left it, once you know the name of a level, you can get back to it by writing its name in the Load Level text box.

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.