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Online dictionary Games
TypoJuggle Game

Plays: 3199
Category: Action Games
TypoJuggle is a simple, fun and unique action word game. Juggle the falling keys until you can fill in the blank letters.
BodyWords Scramble Game

Plays: 3193
Category: Action Games
Enter letter to solve the scrambled word. All words are body related
CWM Game

Plays: 3191
Category: Action Games
Pairs of letters fall in capsules. Rotate and place letters to form words, which disappear and increase your score. Chaining words increases score multipliers.
Word War I Game

Plays: 3189
Category: BoardGame Games
ame in which two to four players score points by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15-by-15 grid. The words are formed across and down in crossword fashion and must appear in a standard dictionary
XT WordSearch & CrossWord Game

Plays: 3166
Category: BoardGame Games
A word search, word find, word seek, word sleuth or mystery word puzzle is a word game that is letters of a word in a grid, that usually has a rectangular or square shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and mark all the words hidden inside the box. The words may be horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Often a list of the hidden words is provided, but more challenging puzzles may let the player figure them out. Many word search puzzles have a theme to which all the hidden words are related. Word searches are commonly found in daily newspapers and puzzle books. Some teachers use them as educational tools for children, the benefit being that young minds can learn new words and their spellings by intensively searching for them, letter by letter, in the puzzle.
Kanji Memory Game "Pictorials" Part Three Game

Plays: 3115
Category: BoardGame Games
This is the 3rd game of Japanese Kanji Pictorial series. It includes another set of 9 kanji symbols that are visually represent the meaning they convey. That makes them easy to remember. Now you can learn the basic kanji while enjoying a game. Use the in-game mini dictionary to see how to read the symbols using hiragana and katakana. I will make more games for hiragana and katakana, if you are not familiar with those and interested in learning. They are easier to learn and much like an actual alphabet.
Kanji Memory Game II Game

Plays: 3055
Category: BoardGame Games
This is the second part of pictorial series. It includes tiny dictionary for the last correct card pair shown. You can follow your progress of learning by viewing the accuracy in stats page after every game.
Spell Fest Game

Plays: 2979
Category: Education Games
Spell Fest is a game where the player spells out a random word from a dictionary by clicking on randomized letter blocks in the correct sequence.
Snow Words Game

Plays: 2799
Category: Education Games
Hi, I'm Zil. I live in fantasy world. I like to imagine my own world... It always make me happy. And this is.. one of my fantasy dream, Snow Words.
WordRage Game

Plays: 2312
Category: BoardGame Games
Test your knowledge of words with WordRage. Make words and earn points.
Word Scramble II Game

Plays: 2243
Category: Education Games
Earn yourself the title of "word game expert" in the new challenge of Scramble! Your goal in this game is to form words with 3 to 5 letters by using the given letter tiles. When the game starts, you will be given 5 randomly selected letter tiles, while the numbers of letters of the possible words will be hinted underneath. You can click and drag the tiles to rearrange them, then drag them to the box at the top of the screen, or use your keyboard to type the letters. After a word is formed, click the Submit button or press Enter on your keyboard. If the submitted word is correct, it will be displayed at the bottom, and you will receive a score based on the length of the word. Time bonuses will be awarded if you can form multiple words quickly. When the timer at the bottom of the screen counts down to zero, the game ends. Put aside your dictionary form words by using your massive vocabulary!
Word Scramble Game

Plays: 2239
Category: Education Games
Are you able to use disordered letters to compose valid English words without checking the dictionary? In this game you will be given a set of scrambled letter tiles, and your goal is to rearrange them into valid words. You can click and drag the tiles to their suitable positions, then click the Submit button under the tiles to check if the word is correct. If the tiles form a valid word, you will be awarded a score based on the amount of time you have spent. If the word does not exist, 2000 points will be deducted. You may click the Hint button on the left of the Submit button to check the meaning of the hidden word, but you will lose 3000 points if you do so. The timer at the lower right corner will show the remaining time for the current question, and when time is up, you may no longer arrange the tiles and the answer will be shown. Accept the challenge of the classic word game now!
WordSearch CrossWord Game

Plays: 2138
Category: Education Games
WordSearch and Crossword is a word game that is letters of a word in a grid. The objective of this game is to find and mark all the words hidden inside the box. The words may be horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Some teachers use them as educational tools for children, the benefit being that young minds can learn new words and their spellings by intensively searching for them, letter by letter, in the puzzle.
Waffle by Game

Plays: 2042
Category: BoardGame Games
Find the most words in two minutes! Six differente languages available!
Word Search Game

Plays: 1712
Category: Education Games
Test your language proficiency and vocabulary in this educational word game! Your task is to search for the words according to the given meanings. You will be given a large grid which contains numerous blocks of letters, while the meanings of the hidden words will be shown under the grid. The words can run in any directions, for example right to left, bottom to top, lower right to upper left, etc. When you have found the word, click and drag the corresponding letters on the grid to mark the answer. Your current selection of letters will appear at the bottom of the play area. If you have found the correct answer, you will receive points based on the amount of time you have spent. If you have made a wrong entry, 1000 points will be deducted. If you cannot think of the word, you may click the Show Hint button under the grid to reveal the answer, but each time you do so you will lose 3000 points. The time you have spent and your current score will be shown at the lower left corner. Play with family and friends and see who is the ultimate word master!
Linked Game

Plays: 7978
Category: Action Games
Help Dakota the Explorer work on vocabulary skills. Create words by clicking on letters and adjacent linked letters. Double-click on the last letter to submit the word. Break jeweled tiles for bonus points.

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Tips: Games that use a modified opponent graphic instead of an explosion graphic should disable Bosses in the Gameplay section.