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Zombie Killer Gorefest 3 Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Action
Description: Zombie Killer Gorefest 3 is a point and click shoot 'em up where you have to defeat the zombie hordes in 3 chilling action-packed levels. Inspired by 70's and 80's Horror and B-Movie genres, this game includes it's fair share of blood and gore, so is therefore not appropriate for younger players. Each zombie Has three weak points - The head, the torso and the legs. You Need To Shoot two of these weakpoints to kill each zombie. The zombies that come at you from the side have weakpoints in the arms, torso, head and legs. They take three shots to kill and if you're not quick they will start eating your brains! The fog and rain effects in this game can be quite demanding on your processor / graphics card, so if the game performs slowly or 'lags' A bit please select the low quality option.
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Tips: Weapon speed can be set to zero and it will effectively create a mine.