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Single Player Ludo Game

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Game Instructions

Category: BoardGame
Description: Ludo is a simple board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to dice rolls. This is a single player version of ludo. The multiplayer version will be made soon Rules: A player can move her token after rolling a six. She can kill oponents token only if oponents token is not in a star marked area. Player can roll if she rolles a six/kills an oponents token. In Team Mode: Normal rules and a player can only kill oponents tokens. Winning Condition: In Single Player: A player wins if all her tokens reach the home location. In Team Mode: A player wins if she and her buddie's all tokens have reached home location.

Games Like This: Single Player Ludo a Free Online Game
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Tips: When using the Multiple Opponents option you must create an SWF where each frame is a different opponent. It will detect how many frames you have and randomly choose one each time they spawn. Each individual frame can have it's own independant animating movieclip inside.