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Freecell Solitaire Game

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Game Instructions

Category: BoardGame
Description: Let's recall the endless fun of the classic card game! The aim of Freecell Solitaire is to move all cards to 4 foundations by suit from A to K. When the game opens, 52 standard playing cards will be distributed to 8 tableau piles. Each of the four tableau piles on the left will contain 7 upturned cards, while each of the remaining piles will contain 6 upturned cards. 4 reserve cells are located at the top left corner of the screen, while the 4 foundations are located at the top right corner. Each time you can move one card to an empty reserve cell or another tableau pile. Cards on the tableau piles are to be built down in alternating colors, for example, the 6 of hearts can be moved to the top of the 7 of spades or the 7 of clubs. Note that each of the reserve cells can only hold 1 card at a time. An empty tableau pile can be occupied by any card. 500 points will be awarded for each card successfully moved to the foundations, and you will also receive time bonus upon winning the game, so take the bull by the horns in no time!
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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.