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Spring Fashion Dress Up Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Dress-Up
Description: The spring is here! The Sun is coming out more often now and it is getting warmer every day. Today, all the nature is coming to life, and this young girl wants to go out for a little walk, admire the view and enjoy the fresh air. But the fashion has changed since last year, as it always does. And now she does not know what to wear. She probably needs to go shopping, but now there is no time for that. So she has to choose from the old wardrobe something to wear today. Help her pick up something from the clothes she took out to choose from. Her entire day will be ruined if she cannot find the right outfit to dress up for the first day of spring.
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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.