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FGC2- Gold Catcher Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Driving
Description: This game is for Scion Driving Creativity Contest. 1 month ago I knew nothing about Actionscript….now at least I know this much. You are FGC (Flying Gold Collector). Your job is to collect the debris raining down from the sky from the mid-air explosion of a freighter. Some of the debris is very valuable….some increase your fuel’s power, and some (the chemicals)… damage you. Special Thanks to ParagonX9 (for his song Chaoz Fantasy played on the short game), DJ-VIZ for his awesome song- Raver’s Fantasy [Viz Revamped Club Mix]- which was played in the menu, level selection, and the normal game, and finally Mundhir Werner (syphonmax) for his song Code Lyoko Theme (Edit) (which was played in the long game, and extreme game levels). All these song artists were from Newgrounds! Instructions Arrow keys to move, (more instructions are in-game)
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Tips: Enemy graphics do not need to move. Movement is taken care of by the engine. Animals and things should walk in place.