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Super Vehicles Memory Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Memory
Description: You've spent years collecting cards of your favorite cars, yet last night's storm got in your house and blew them all over the place. It is now time to find them all and re-arrange them in the proper order, but don't slack around as you don't exactly have all the time in the world to do it. In Super Vehicles Memory there is a total of six levels for you to complete, with each one becoming increasingly challenging, featuring more symbols without giving you too much more time to sort through them. The controls are about as simple as they ever get as the only thing you need to use is the left mouse button. Once you click on a square, it reveals its symbol, and when you click on two of them one of two different things can happen: either they match and the squares disappear, either they don't and revert back to their hidden position.
Instructions: Play the game with your mouse only.

Games Like This: Super Vehicles Memory a Free Online Game
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