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Toasted Ravioli Bites Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Other
Description: Ravioli is a traditional italian dish which is sure to satisfy all of your pasta cravings. Today you're going to learn a delicious ravioli recipe that's full of exciting flavors and textures. Simply follow the instructions and stick to the recipe to prepare fresh homemade ravioli pockets. Once the pockets are ready, fill them with a delicious cheesy filling and dip them in breadcrumbs to give them the perfect crunchy finish. Then toss your ravioli into the sauté pan and cook to perfection in this fun cooking game for girls!
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Games Like This: Toasted Ravioli Bites a Free Online Game
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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.