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Match My Jelly Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Puzzles
Description: The goal of this game is to get a red jelly by getting two of the same number next to each other and add them together. Match My Jelly is played on a simple 4x4 grid and there are 4 types of jellies: violet, green, yellow and red. The score is displayed in the upper-right part of the screen and it starts at zero and is incremented whenever two jellies of the same number combine. Pay attention that when there aren't any legal moves left (no empty spaces and no adjacent similar jellies), the game ends.
Instructions: Use the green arrow keys from the right to move the jellies and make them change. You can also use the keyboard cursor keys. Good Luck and Have Fun!
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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.