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P.O.D. Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Shooting
Description: This is my re-interpretation of the arcade classics Space Invaders and Missile Command, with some new gameplay elements. P.O.D. is an arcade-style game of all-out alien bombardment. Your city is under attack by aliens, and they don’t give up easily! Take control of different units and power-ups to blast those suckers out of orbit. You are Planetary Orbital Defense.
Instructions: Use the mouse to aim and shoot. Features: Customizable key controls ~ Sound options ~ Options save between visits ~ Kongregate high scores

Games Like This: P.O.D. a Free Online Game
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Tips: When using the Multiple Opponents option you must create an SWF where each frame is a different opponent. It will detect how many frames you have and randomly choose one each time they spawn. Each individual frame can have it's own independant animating movieclip inside.