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Pestilence Z Game

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Category: Strategy
Description: Pestilence Z is a zombie survival turn-based RPG with hours of gameplay and content. This includes 3 playable characters with 3 specialization trees each, 5 unique enemy AI zombie types with 9 full zombie animation sets, 60 detailed and immersive maps, including 8 secret maps, compiled from a set of 600+ unique tiles, 100s of searchable items and over 602 possible different equipable items. Pestilence Z features a deep, engaging combat system to battle through the zombie mobs as you fight for survival. This is the first episode of the series of three and includes 5 missions. Pestilence Z also features several minutes of cinematic animation and an original sound track to drive the compelling story of the outbreak's origin.

Games Like This: Pestilence Z a Free Online Game
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Tips: Enemy graphics do not need to move. Movement is taken care of by the engine. Animals and things should walk in place.