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Online Abstract Games
Lightshift Game

Plays: 4443
Category: Puzzles Games
A puzzle game: light up the green blocks by connecting them to the blue ones. Clicking on a box will rotate it to change it's connectivity.
Abstract Arcade Game

Plays: 28085
Category: Shooting Games
Experience this colorful shooter with beautiful music and amazing effects! Two different modes will challenge you, each with normal and expert difficulty settings! One oldschool "Arcade Style" and a new "Circle Dance"! And should it get too fast, you can still slow down the time!
Lines of Action Game

Plays: 17014
Category: BoardGame Games
Lines of Action is a unique abstract 2-player game played on a standard chess board with 12 pieces a side
Mancala Game

Plays: 11084
Category: BoardGame Games
This is an ancient board game which dates back to the 6th century AD, and your target is to gather as many pieces of gems in your store as you can. On the game board, 12 small pits are divided into 2 rows, and each of the pits contains 4 pieces of gems. The upper row of pits belongs to the computer, and the lower row is yours. The 2 large pits on the left and right of the board are the stores, with the one on the right belongs to you, and the one on the left belongs to the computer. You and the computer will take turns to move the gems, and each time you may click any of the pits on your row. When a pit is selected, the gems inside will be distributed one by one to the next pits in counterclockwise direction. If the last gem of a move lands on your store, then you can take one more turn by selecting another pit. If the last gem of a move lands on an empty pit on your side while the opposite pit contains gems, then you can capture all of the gems in both pits and put them to your store. The same rules apply to the moves made by the computer. When the pits on one of the rows are emptied, the game ends. The remaining gems on the pits belonging to you will be counted as yours, and those on the pits of the computer will be counted as the computer's. Capture the gemstones with tactics and win prosperously!
Glimpse Game

Plays: 11027
Category: Action Games
Enter a hexagonal world that pulses to the music while using your mouse and visual memory to navigate.
Canufit Game

Plays: 8000
Category: Puzzles Games
Canufit is an incredible abstract puzzle where you need to use logic, attention and feeling to fit the letters of the words in pictures. Can you fit ?
demineur Game

Plays: 7684
Category: Puzzles Games
EN:The object of the game is to clear an abstract minefield without detonating a mine. FR: Le démineur est un jeu vidéo de réflexion dont le but est de localiser des mines cachées dans un champ virtuel avec pour seule indication le nombre de mines dans les zones adjacentes.
Osiron Game

Plays: 7649
Category: Puzzles Games
Osiron is a fantastic puzzle game created by David Huffman and sponsored by CafeCafe Games. Rotate groups of pieces in the game board and make it look like the goal board. Click the center of any circle to select it, then click and drag the circle to rotate. Unlock bonus game modes while you advance through the game. Osiron Classic, a two player strategy game, is unlocked by default. Play Osiron and other flash games at - We have the best free online games for you.
Tidal Game

Plays: 7312
Category: Shooting Games
Can you survive one hundred waves of enemies in this stylish abstract shooter? Select from three ships and blast back a never-ending siege of deadly geometric foes.
Quad Roll Game

Plays: 6877
Category: Puzzles Games
Abstract positional strategy game using four 10-sided dice and 76 grid positions. Easy game to understand and never plays the same twice. Roll the dice and pick a spot... first player to get four sets of 4-in-a-row wins! 3 Difficulty Levels with single and multi-player (same computer).
Dungeon Run Game

Plays: 6071
Category: Action Games
Dungeon Run is a fast-paced, abstract, puzzle-adventure. Go and find all 33 minute pick-ups in this game.
Bubble Raid Game

Plays: 5813
Category: Action Games
In this abstract shooter, fly your ship deep into bubble territory and shoot as many bubbles as you can.
Cavern Flier Game

Plays: 5797
Category: Shooting Games
Fly as high as you can! You are at the bottom of a cavern with a small ship and a cannon. Fight gravity and destroy the scenery to progress.
xorex Game

Plays: 5626
Category: Puzzles Games
A hybrid jewel-matching-shooter-puzzle prototype.
ShellCore Command: Episode 1 - Newborn Game

Plays: 5582
Category: Action Games
Build a massive arcade battleship from the wrecks of your enemies and command your fleet in tactical battles.
Gobang Game

Plays: 5482
Category: BoardGame Games
Five in a Row is an abstract strategy board game and is also called Gomoku, Gobang. It is traditionally played with go pieces (black and white stones) on a go board (19x19 intersections); however, because once placed, pieces are not moved or removed from the board, gomoku may also be played as a Paper and pencil game.
Minesweeper Game

Plays: 5321
Category: Puzzles Games
Minesweeper is a single-player computer game. The object of the game is to clear an abstract minefield without detonating a mine.
First Light Game

Plays: 5121
Category: Puzzles Games
An abstract relaxing experience. The age old struggle of light versus dark is realized in this flash game. The combination of music, ambient glows, and simplicity create a masterpiece.
RKF Game

Plays: 5056
Category: Rhythm Games
RKF, or Rhythmic Kicking Firehead, is a shooter mixed with a rhythm game. You don't actually have to do anything in time with anything - the game automatically fires for you, and its firing sets off drum sounds. An ever-increasingly intense wall of enemies comes towards you, which you must shoot to eradicate
Four Remaining Game

Plays: 4950
Category: Puzzles Games
For remaining is very special, yet easy to play. You should try it! Game features levels-mode and a highscore-mode.

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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.