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Online Castle Games
Dracula vs Zombies Game

Plays: 13816
Category: Action
A massive wave of zombies has invaded Dracula's castle! As Dracula, the prince of all vampires, you must use your power to rid the castle of the zombie threat!
Quest For The Silver Castle Game

Plays: 5379
Category: Strategy
Find DA Silver Castle!
Dracula vs Zombies 2 Bootleg Edition Game

Plays: 4180
Category: Adventure
Zombies have invaded Dracula's castle and are pillaging the nearby towns. As the leading vampire hunter you must bring an end to the madness!
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Mario Versus Bowser Game

Plays: 4048
Category: Adventure
Reach the castle and defeat Bowser
Spider's castle Game

Plays: 2805
Category: Action
Level 2 is Wavsd Park.
Super Mario Flash Game

Plays: 30683
Category: Adventure Games
Super Mario Flash is based off the graphics from Super Mario Allstars on the Super Nintendo. This is one of the best Mario games online.
Pawel & the Teutonic Castle Game

Plays: 13757
Category: Shooting Games
Pawel is a young Polish knight who wants to get rid of the Teutonic knights that have invaded his land. Use your mouse to select and kill the enemies and the keyboard to move left or right.
Teelombies Infection Game

Plays: 12041
Category: Puzzles Games
Teelombies Infection is a hybrid of two popular Flash games: Crush the Castle and Infectonator. The game has you launching zombies into densely populated buildings to infect humans. In each level, you must infect and kill a target number of humans in order to unlock the next stage. Collect coins from your victims before they disappear and spend them on upgrades that will make it easier for you to spread the infection.
Castle Clout: Return of the King Game

Plays: 35044
Category: Shooting Games
The king has returned in this awsome update to the original game 'Castle Clout'. Now with 22 levels, 4 types of projectile, a 'build and share' level editor, updated sound effects, level select, and more........are you ready to take on the king???
Knot Castle TD Game

Plays: 29832
Category: Strategy Games
Save the Knot Castle from the enemies ... Use your limited resources to buy and place Defense Towers so as to prevent enemies from entering the Castle.... Face the Battle !!
Blobstar Game

Plays: 17614
Category: Puzzles Games
Blobstar a knight of the Enchanted Castle is on a quest to find riches for his Queen. He seeks the mythical sunken ship that is said to have more gold and silver than could fit in his Queen's castle.
Castle Clout Game

Plays: 17038
Category: Shooting Games
Time the launch of your trebuchets' ammunition to cause maximum damage to the opposing castle and its occupants! Get bonus points by knocking off the soldiers heads!!
Monster TD Game

Plays: 10503
Category: Shooting Games
A shooting game where you can buy weapons and shoot monster to protect the castle.
Defend your Kingdom Game

Plays: 7964
Category: Strategy Games
An innovative tower defense game involving a creative and powerful upgrade system, and the opportunity for mouse aiming.
Four season of SuperBrain Game Game

Plays: 4168
Category: Puzzles Games
Please help the Knight to go from the green castle to the blue castle.
Hero Fighter Game

Plays: 144538
Category: Fighting Games
This hero has spent a long month keeping the castle safe and he is getting pretty darn bored!. The kingdom had just recently signed a truce with the Phoenix and now the Hero fighters want to work outside! Then suddenly they see someone who is injured and he speaks of a group of bandits who killed and tortured his village! The Hero Fighters are excited now it is their duty to avenge and protect the civilians in their Kingdom! Now it is your job to help avenge the village and destroy those evil bandits!!
Fast Castle Defense Game

Plays: 126710
Category: Strategy Games
In this game there will be a castle and a road leading to the castle. Enemies will pass through the roads to attack the castle. You lost the game if the castle is destroyed. You need to buy cannons to shoot the enemies to stop them from attacking the castle. When you destroy an enemy, you will get extra money to buy more cannons. When the game progresses, there will be more and more enemies and they will become stronger and stronger. There are a total of 10 levels.
Castle Smasher Game

Plays: 104477
Category: Shooting Games
Load up your catapult, aim and fire stones at your enemies castles on a quest to conquer the kingdom. Travel from castle to castle as you perfect the art of tearing down enemy walls.
Castle wars Game

Plays: 63370
Category: Cards Games
a turn based card game where your goal is to be the first to build a castle with height 100 or to destroy your enemy's castle.
Damoria Game

Plays: 54314
Category: Multiplayer Games
This browser game will lure you into another world, one which you will not want to leave again. Damoria is a mystical browser game scenario. A world in which everything happens in an orderly manner. Build your castle with all the trimmings: construction office, military training grounds and quarry. Mine raw materials and finance the construction of other buildings. Put your army together and arm them with swords, catapults, bows and arrows. Here you will find everything your little conqueror heart desires. The idyll is, however, only a facade. How could it be anything else; even here in Damoria, battles for power are raging. Everyone wants to have the biggest castle and kingdom. Turn your castle into a stronghold, unconquerable for enemy attackers, because without your fortress, you are a sitting duck for your enemies. You know the saying: "Offense is the best defense!" Put together a once-in-a-lifetime army and conquer Damoria.You can play this browser game right in your own Internet browser, without having to buy or install any software. Prepare yourself for battle and let the fight begin.

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Tips: Go to Gameplay and choose Win On Timer for games where the enemy doesn't shoot and there is no way for you to be destroyed.