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Online Gallery Games
My New Town Game

Plays: 19324
Category: Customize Games
Country, city, ocean, or space—where will your town building take place??
Build a Robot 2 Game

Plays: 54093
Category: Other Games
Build a robot out of alot of wacky parts then take a screenshot and put it in a gallery of robots for others to view. Be as creative as you can with this game.
Bin Laden Blast Game

Plays: 15897
Category: Shooting Games
Bin Laden Blast is a fun and hilarious shooting gallery game featuring targets with Osama Bin Laden on them. Get ready to blast this terrorist and show him what your made of.
Build a Robot 3 Game

Plays: 38305
Category: Customize Games
Build a robot out of hundreds of parts then save it to the gallery and show your friends! There are even contests and prizes for building great robots!
Kitten Creator Game

Plays: 13348
Category: Customize Games
Rules 1. If you want to post the kitties you create with this game on your website, blog, etc. you must give me credit and link back to my gallery or this game. 2. You can keep the character(s) you've created but you are not allowed to sell it for either real money or virtual money on other sites. 3. Can't think of more rules for now.. Don't know how to save it? Press print screen, paste it in a program like Photoshop or MS paint and then save it
Periodic Table Game

Plays: 12506
Category: Education Games
Periodic Table shooting gallery, chemistry educational game.
Kill those ponies Game

Plays: 10913
Category: Shooting Games
"Ponies! Ponies everywhere on the Internet! I can not take it anymore! Time to shoot to kill! Oh no! Fans of little ponies are coming! They won't let me shoot! I have to stop them or they may talk me out of my insanity!" Sounds crazy? Well this is pretty much what the game is about! This game is a parody of that popular show with little ponies which involve lots of guns and blood. The game is hi-score based and uses a cover/change weapon/reload mechanic inspired by the popular "Time Crisis" series. Features 4 different weapons: handgun, machine gun, shotgun, and grenade. All graphics used in this game are based on "that pony show", but redrawn in a different art style. No art from the parodied material was used.
Picpie Puzzler Game

Plays: 10498
Category: Puzzles Games
Piece together the broken images and form a pie to proceed to the next level. Play the time attack mode for adding the images to your personal gallery.
Zombie Shooting Gallery Game

Plays: 7851
Category: Action Games
A shooting galley featuring zombie targets. Hit the zombies, miss the civilians... it's that simple! Train yourself for the upcoming zombie apocalypse...
Female Superhero Builder Game

Plays: 7410
Category: Customize Games
Create your very own Superhero character. Easy and Fun! Customize all aspects of your character then submit it to our online gallery. Also see and rate what others have done.
Carnival Game

Plays: 7094
Category: Education Games
A virtual carnival I created for a assignment at uni. The music is track 01, "Welcome To Mario Party" by Yoshihrio Tsukahara from "Mario Party 8"
A Mage's Day! Game

Plays: 7007
Category: Puzzles Games
a Find Differences game, with a charming character and cute artwork features a gallery and a hard mode
SnowBall Throw Game

Plays: 6937
Category: Action Games
How good is your aim? Throw snowballs at Christmas themed targets. Hit Santa and get bonus coins to throw at! Throw as many snowballs as you can and get your high score!
Matching Game Gallery Game

Plays: 6874
Category: BoardGame Games
Card matching game, with 49 different cards and a gallery of self-made artworks used in those cards.

Plays: 5124
Category: Action Games
Have you ever dreamed about queen of butterflies imprisoned in her own garden? Make absolutely unique cut-out and solve puzzle game to make your own gallery of her story.
Shoot'in Gallery Game

Plays: 5078
Category: Shooting Games
A traditional shooting gallery in which you earn points when hitting the targets. Become a sharp shooter with a score of over 90.
Kil-pop Game

Plays: 4973
Category: Action Games
A blood boiling, fun game made in the tradition of early "game & watch gallery" games.
Mr. Art - Private Detective Game

Plays: 4901
Category: Puzzles Games
Leo Art Gallery had 5 rare images of World War I. To their astonishment when they opened the gallery they found the replica of the same images, but they had few differences which were not easy to spot, that moment they decided to hire a detective. You are the detective and you need to spot the differences but the two images.
Escape from the Gallery Game

Plays: 4857
Category: Puzzles Games
Escape from the gallery. Click on objects to collect, interact and combine them. When they are in your inventory, click on the object's background for more information.
Shooting Gallery Game

Plays: 4683
Category: Action Games
Fun shooting game with 9 levels of increasingly challenging gameplay. Upgrade your gun and buy more ammo to try and become a master marksman.

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.