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Online Labyrinth Games
Scariest Maze Game Game

Plays: 41087
Category: Action Games
You've played Scary Maze but that was predictable after a couple of time. Now play Scariest Maze Game with unique random startling events guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.
SlideMote Game

Plays: 15885
Category: Other Games
This is a simple game, the goal is to touch the box to win! There are diferent type of box with many action and 16 level !
MazeBall Game

Plays: 11528
Category: Puzzles Games
Find a way to the exit (blue circle) in 30 seconds. Move your ball with arrows. However your ball can only move in a straight line. So watch out and Good Luck! × AutoSave function: when you finish a level your highscore automatically saved. × HighScore table × At first run we suggest: go to Highscore menu and customize your player’s name!
Miocraft Game

Plays: 11089
Category: Action Games
Welcome to Miocraft! Create Your own world with this fantastic game!
Maze Cat Game

Plays: 10697
Category: Puzzles Games
Help two cats to meet each other:
Supaplex Labyrinth Reborn Game

Plays: 8823
Category: Action Games
This games is a reborn version for the Suppaplex Labyrinth.
GemCraft Labyrinth Game

Plays: 8279
Category: BoardGame Games
After decades of preparation, the test you've been waiting for, the Labyrinth, has finally appeared before you...
A Maze'n Math Game

Plays: 7294
Category: Puzzles Games
Navigate the mazes in order to eliminate all the numbers. Simple math makes for great obstacles.
Mouse In The Labyrinth Game

Plays: 7202
Category: Puzzles Games
This is a simple maze or labyrinth game. Try to find the way to the portal. 10 Levels.
Catsa Shoota Game

Plays: 6821
Category: Fighting Games
CATSA SHOOTA is a Role Playing Game where mice take revenge on cats. Claw and throw tomatoes on bad cats through generated labyrinths always different. 30 missions make you discover various universes and gameplays. Even more, some missions compare players score ! So collect objects and power up your mouse !
Lab Rat Labyrinth Game

Plays: 6674
Category: Adventure Games
Free the mouse from the labyrinth within the depths of his cage.
Telemaze Game

Plays: 6537
Category: Puzzles Games
Labyrinth path finding game with dangerous traps. Interconnected by multiple teleport gate.
Ceramic Maze 3D Game

Plays: 6467
Category: Adventure Games
Exit this 3d ceramic maze the faster possible.
Labirint Game

Plays: 6401
Category: Action Games
Have fun from this cool game!
The Epic Hard Maze Game

Plays: 6273
Category: Action Games
You play as a little red and blue ROB, that must get through the maze as quickly as possible by flicking the switches to open the paths to the exit. The Exit is marked in purple, The switches are marked in blue, and the player is red.
The Ant Explorer Game

Plays: 5839
Category: Adventure Games
( english ) You are an explorer ant with big knowledge in the elaboration of magic recipes. Your mission is to find a new route on the outside of the anthill and to plant the seed at the dawn that will make grow the provisions plant. Therefore the rest of ants will be able to transport the food to the anthill and to overcome next winter. --- ( spanish ) Eres una hormiga exploradora con grandes conocimientos en la elaboración de recetas mágicas. Tu misión es encontrar una nueva ruta al exterior del hormiguero y al amanecer plantar la semilla que hará crecer la planta de los víveres. Así las hormigas recolectoras podrán transportar el alimento al hormiguero y superar el próximo invierno.
Cloud Worlds Game

Plays: 5806
Category: Action Games
Create Your own world and share it with other players on the planet!
Maze of Glass 3D Game

Plays: 5701
Category: Adventure Games
Exit this 3d glass maze the faster possible.
Labyrinth Game

Plays: 5274
Category: Puzzles Games
Escape from the Labyrinth!
Maze Ball 3D Game

Plays: 4975
Category: BoardGame Games
Move the ball to the goal hole but be careful of the sinking holes, the ball must not drop at these holes. Exit holes are locked. You must get the key to unlock them. Move mouse around the labyrinth maze to tilt it and move the ball. You can design your own levels with level editor option in the game.

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Tips: For a collection style game that doesn't use any player projectiles you can upload a blank SWF to high the splash screen graphic.