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Online Picross Games
Picross Quest Game

Plays: 118779
Category: Puzzles Games
In Picross Quest, you fill-in squares according to numbers given at the sides of the grid to reveal the hidden picture. If you enjoy logic puzzle games, Picross Quest offers a more appealing puzzle gaming experience. Be strategic though because if you click the wrong button time will be added to you clock! And if your time gets to 60 min you will lose!
Picma Game

Plays: 40678
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic game, featuring 60 unique puzzles ranging from 5x5 to 50x50 cells. Notes: The game defaults to “Supervised mode”, you may change this in the Options screen. Supervised: Players are notified whenever they make a mistake, incurring in a time penalty each time they fill a cell that should be empty. Free: No information is given to the player regarding his moves. Features a “What if?” mode allowing them to try out a partial solution to the puzzle.
Simple Picross Game

Plays: 26385
Category: Puzzles Games
The puzzle game for your left and right brain! Simple Picross combines the mind-bending addictive qualities of sudoku with an artistic twist.
P'Cross Game

Plays: 25670
Category: Puzzles Games
P'Cross is a collection of Picross puzzles (also known as Pic-A-Pix, Nonograms, Paint By Numbers, Griddlers...) Use the clues to fill in the picture!
Color Pic-a-Pix Light Vol 1 Game

Plays: 16391
Category: BoardGame Games
The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting blocks in each row and column so their length, color and sequence corresponds to the clues, and there is at least one empty square between adjacent same-color blocks. It is allowed to have no empty square between adjacent different-color blocks. There is only one unique solution for each puzzle.
Picross Forever Game

Plays: 15897
Category: Puzzles Games
Use logic and deduction to find hidden pictures in this addictive puzzle game, Picross Forever. With over 45 puzzles in 4 categories there is hours of mind bending entertainment to be had.
Dry Mouth Game

Plays: 13262
Category: Action Games
Drymouth is a puzzle game. What you do is follow the numbers above and to the left of the field to see which blocks you should punch out. When all the blocks are correctly punched out, the pattern will form a picture. Oh, doesn't this sound neat? Yeah, it gets better. If you make mistakes, or a slime eats you, or whatever, you will lose time and eventually lose. But no! It doesn't have to be like that! you can eventually win if you're good! yes! Drymouth!
Nonogram #1 Game

Plays: 11814
Category: Puzzles Games
Logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Griddler Groove Game

Plays: 11242
Category: Education Games
Griddler Groove is a logic puzzle game in a fun & groovy format! Griddlers, also known as nonograms or hanjie, are japanese crossword puzzles where the player needs to paint a picture based on given number clues. It's a bit like sudoku, but much more fun! Each completed picture puzzle forms a picture of some kind, making the game rewarding and addictive to play.
Nonogram #5 - 20x20 Game

Plays: 10256
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Nonogram #2 - Hard Game

Plays: 8129
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Nonogram #6 - 15x15 Game

Plays: 7371
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
PicCross chapter1 Game

Plays: 7084
Category: Puzzles Games
As picross is traditionally played, to solve a puzzle the player must mark a box in a window of varying sizes to create the resulting picture. The numbers on the top and left side of the window guide the correct boxes to mark (for example, if the window is 10×10, and one of the numbers at the buttom is a "10", that means all ten boxes in the column below it are part of the solution to the puzzle. If the numbers "5" and "4" are at the left of the window, that means that all but one of the boxes in the row next to them are correct, with five consecutive boxes, followed by four more consecutive boxes, separated by one space).
NoNoSparks: Genesis Game

Plays: 6728
Category: BoardGame Games
Be part of the genesis! The goal of the game is to create a complete world step by step, including flora, fauna, humans and even dinosaurs, through solving logical puzzles based on nonograms. The beautiful and humorous graphics and characters offer a charming appeal. The unique reward-mechanic and the tried-and-tested, addictive puzzle gameplay create a flow that invites you back to yet another and another playing session. Have fun and start creating the world!
Picma Squared Game

Plays: 6525
Category: Puzzles Games
Picma Squared is a picture logic game. Your goal is to discover the image hidden within each puzzle using nothing but your logic. There are two major rules that you must follow: 1. Each clue indicates how many of the nine surrounding cells, including itself must be filled with the current color. 2. A cell that contains a clue that is either empty or filled with the same color Picma features twenty-eight unique and fun puzzles that are easy to use. Be sure to look at the tips in the tutorial for these can help you immensely in your game play. Have fun!
Nonogram #9 - Hard Game

Plays: 6189
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Nonogram #7 - Super easy Game

Plays: 6119
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Nonogram #3 Game

Plays: 6009
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Color Pic-a-Pix Light Vol 1 Game

Plays: 5623
Category: Puzzles Games
The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting blocks in each row and column so their length, color and sequence corresponds to the clues, and there is at least one empty square between adjacent same-color blocks. It is allowed to have no empty square between adjacent different-color blocks. There is only one unique solution for each puzzle.
Nonogram #4 Game

Plays: 5372
Category: Puzzles Games
Picture logic puzzle in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.

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