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  Space Turret Defense A Free Online Game
Naughty Santa A Free Online Game
Naughty Santa
Combat Plane Fighter A Free Online Game
Combat Plane Fighter
Graviton X2 A Free Online Game
Graviton X2
Rated H for HORROR A Free Online Game
Rated H for HORROR
Christmas Tree Demolition A Free Online Game
Christmas Tree Demolition
Turret Defense A Free Online Game
Turret Defense

Online Placement Games
Childs Play wordsearch Game

Plays: 71847
Category: Word Games
Parenting themed word search puzzle. Random word selection from a library with random word placement for a new game every time.
The World History Game Game

Plays: 17956
Category: Education Games
A game to practice and test your World History knowledge.
Psychology Vocab Game

Plays: 17370
Category: Education Games
AP Psychology Vocab game. Test your vocabulary knowledge with these various vocab terms or practice and review the terms. This is a great study tool to prepare for the AP Psychology Exam. With over 600 words, this game serves as a great vocabulary review.
Sudoku Hex Game

Plays: 8967
Category: Education Games
Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each.
Vehicle Tower Defense Game

Plays: 7643
Category: Action Games
A strategy game where the user must make smart decisions in placement and upgrades of towers in order to stop enemy advancement.
Azgard TD Game

Plays: 7456
Category: Action Games
Choose wizely amongst the fifteen tower types, upgrade them, combine them, find the most effective placement combination, and earn as much as you can. Azgard Defence is a awesome Tower Defence games, combining addictive gameplay with unique features.
Filler Up Game

Plays: 6802
Category: BoardGame Games
Plan your attack and try to form 3x3 areas filled with circles. The computer will try to slow you down by placing blockers on the playing field. Fill the required amount of 3x3 areas to complete a level.
Defend Your Honor! Game

Plays: 5988
Category: Adventure Games
The king has offered command of his vast army to the Man (or Elf) who returns his missing Golden Statue. It's up to you to find it and win this grand prize, and maybe make some friends on the way. A mixup of the Tower Defence with a dash of strategy. I wanted to create a tower defence game that didn't become stagnant, so each battle is short and sweet, and feels like a smaller part of the grande scheme of things, rather than wave after wave of repitition. The strategic placement of units is the key to victory!
Push Tower Defence Game

Plays: 5281
Category: Strategy Games
Similar to a normal tower defence game except the aim is to push the enemies off the path. This means that placement and combinations of different towers are necessary in completing this ame.
Endless Fighter 3 Platformer Game

Plays: 5013
Category: Puzzles Games
in this game you are a stick figure. and you need to use badly drawn weapons to kill the two rectangles attacking the uhhh.. city behind you, upgrade you're weapons and kill them. goto for cheats in this game. you can enter cheats in the blue platform (near the beginning). the game is what you make it and was fun to make, i made this is one week of 4 hours of sleep a day ... so i am really tired (jul/17/08) oh and if you see any glichs with the platformas (geting stuck in them) use it to your advantage , as i am not going to change it. and the hp bar thing... may not work because it has almost 500 lines of code running 60 times every sec. and the hp bar is the last thing to update and somtimes it doesnt get updated if alot of things are going on. enemys have a max speed , but not hp. get enough kills and the ground and weapon placement changes (onice at 30 kills and another time at 100 kills) oh and there are nine weapons!!!!! revolver shotgun fireman's axe sniper (w/ lazer sight) ak47 (no auto fire) tech 9 (auto fire) freeze ray ultra lazer and another autofire gun. (looks like a shotgun) and sword comming soon and ill even give you one cheat mochiads
Nebula Warriors Game

Plays: 4968
Category: Puzzles Games
Tactical ship placement game with multiplayer. Outsmart your opponent to gain control of the nebula.
Hot pursuit ???? Game

Plays: 4776
Category: Action Games
Evil robber driving a red sports car ready to flee,You need to catch the robbers, people from harm! You need open space in the car next to the turret to place the electromagnetic, stop it and move on. The culprit's car can travel to any of eight directions. The placement of only eight directions in order to achieve the maximum magnetic force of electromagnetic effects of the turret to stop the car moving wins. A total of 15 electromagnetic You can use the turret,Beat robber to use your wisdom! ????????????????,???????????!????????????????,?????????,??????????????????????,??????????8???????,???????8???????????????????????????????,??????,???15????????????,????!~
Keyboard ActionHero Game

Plays: 4686
Category: Action Games
Featuring ActionHero, the superhero made of magical cleaning fluid in a tube. Defeat filthiness by cleaning dirty keyboards while learning keyboard-character placement. Features include: Co-op friendly! Defeat dirt and filth with your keyboard character placement memorization skills (phew!)!, Face three vicious enemies with different strategies to defeat them, Catch the floating health powerups to restore health, Open stages means freedom to take on the Dirtiest keyboard in the world!, Random dirt and enemy generation for maximum replayability!, ActionClean, ActionStomp, ActionJump your way to a more score!.
Pillbug Run Game

Plays: 4541
Category: Puzzles Games
Solve puzzles and help Rory the pillbug reach his true love.
Silver Lining Game

Plays: 4490
Category: Action Games
Optimise your placement of clouds and wind to maximise your flower-watering potential. A game of strategy and skill.
S.T.A.R. Defence Game

Plays: 4113
Category: Action Games
Defend your planet with strategic turret placement!
Siege Knight Game

Plays: 3926
Category: Action Games
A fun defense and shooting game hybrid. Defeat wave after wave of enemies through strategic trap placement and fast shooting! Level up and spend points to upgrade your characters abilities.
Space Creeps Game

Plays: 3716
Category: Strategy Games
A freeform defense game in which you battle away creeps through adept placement of walls and towers. High scores are linked to recordings. Watch your friends' failure, or show off your own success.
Mind Fruits Game

Plays: 3023
Category: Puzzles Games
It is a clone of Mastermind game. Guess the correct order of hidden fruits. On the right you will see black or white dots. Black inform that you guessed the fruit but the placement is wrong. White inform that you guesses the fruit and place it well. Time is limited and moves amount is also limited.
Cute toys placement Game

Plays: 2878
Category: Customize Games
Cute toys placement Game.

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Tips: Setting the opponent movement speed to zero can give you a platform for you to do your own animation instead the opponent graphic. You could make an opponent popup and then hide again using animation instead of the built in movement.