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Online Shmup Games
ZunderFury Game

Plays: 16520
Category: Shooting Games
Action-packed shooter with lots of enemies types and clean controls. Choose from two different ships each with its own unique weapon. Use hard-earned credits to upgrade your ship. Dive right in to battle hundreds of enemies at a time and achieve heroic Feats!
Gamma Bros Game

Plays: 11240
Category: Shooting Games
GAMMA BROS is a large and beautiful space shooter akin to classic arcade games like galaga, gradius and robotron, but with a modern twist. Help the bros get home in time for dinner through the most dangerous commute ever!
Planet Smash Game

Plays: 7831
Category: Shooting Games
Planet Smash is a top down shooter arcade game.
Polarity Game

Plays: 59067
Category: Action Games
Constant action, lots of powerups, endbosses and levels.
Strike Eagle Game

Plays: 13655
Category: Action Games
Dodge missiles and shoot down enemy planes in this fast action 2.5D shooter!
Boss Rush Game

Plays: 10740
Category: Action Games
Ever felt like bullet-hell shoot-em-ups weren't really terribly fair? After all, you fight horrific bosses, capable of covering the screen with deadly attacks, while they absorb hundreds of direct hits. Meanwhile you seem to be stuck in a tiny fighter-craft made of tissue paper, with what feels like a pea-shooter for a weapon. Well no more. It's time to find out what life is like on the other side of the warning message. It's time to be the Boss.
Planet Smash Game

Plays: 10084
Category: Shooting Games
Shoot the incoming enemies as they get harder and harder. Dodge their fire or your weapons reset. 5 different weapon with 5 individual stages for each one will help you in this vertical scroll shoot em up.
Dirgantara - First Phase Game

Plays: 9591
Category: Action Games
Boost your way. Destroy Everything. Let no one Escapes. A Bullet-hell single-level SHMUP that i made when i was bored. It's difficulty is rather high so least expect on finishing it on the first try. The enemies' pattern are fixed and synchronized to the song, so try to memorize the pattern, place the SLAVEs on the right place, find the efficient way to destroy their pattern. No bombs, no second try, skill + tactics only.
Galagian Game

Plays: 8980
Category: Shooting Games
Galagian is a space shooter, loosely based on old amiga title Deluxe Galaga. Fight your way through few dozens of waves of enemies. There are overall fourteen types of enemies, each one with its unique abilities. The game features High-score board, two difficulty levels and continuing from last game-over.
Attack of the Mutant Killer Bingo Wings! Game

Plays: 8773
Category: Action Games
The Earth is a noisy planet. For decades a vast array of signals have been carelessly spreading from our world into the ether. We're about to find out that other worlds are listening...and in a terrible coincidence one planet has taken offence at the liberties being taken with it's deities. The denizens of Bingonia have for centuries worshipped their many and varied Gods; Kelly's Eye, One Little Duck and Snakes Alive amongst others. So when the systems monitoring the skies of Bingonia began picking up signals from a small world at the outer reaches of the galaxy, indicating that the intricate numerology behind the Bingonian beliefs were being used as the basis for a form of primitive gambling, there was only one course of action available; the Bingonians dispatched their elite fighting force, the Bingo Wings, to destroy the Earth - and now only you stand in the Bingonians way! Destroy the Bingo Wings, collect the Bingo Balls of Doom and break the code to destroy the Bingonian battleships! EYES DOWN!
Shmusicup Lite Game

Plays: 8594
Category: Action Games
Shmusicup (Shoot-music-up) is a hybrid of a rhythm/music game and a shoot'em up where the enemy bullet patterns are generated by any mp3 chosen from your music collection! Shmusicup Lite is a lite version of the full game at Try it out for free now!
The Last Canopy Game

Plays: 8326
Category: Shooting Games
In this unique shooter, a baby bird falls from the last standing tree on Earth. Battle against the human race by absorbing their attacks to make them your own, all while carrying the poor birdie back to her nest.
Broken Statement Game

Plays: 6782
Category: Action Games
A timed music based shooter with unique graphics and tons of action. Try to get a high score before the music runs out!
Zyraxxus Game

Plays: 6167
Category: Action Games
Zyraxxus is a multiplayer shoot-em-up game set in deep space! Each player controls a ship and competes to shoot and destroy all the other ships in a free-for-all shootout. There are four ships to choose from - each with its own unique characteristics. All ships have a primary blaster and a secondary weapon. The primary weapon recharges quickly while the secondary recharges more slowly.
Pop Pirates Game

Plays: 5624
Category: Action Games
Your computer has been infected by the Pop Pirates! QUICK! Defeat the evil music pinching viruses and reclaim your music files before it's too late! Frenetic-paced old-skool pixel vertical shooter!
Komodo Crunchtime Game

Plays: 5545
Category: Action Games
Komodo Crunchtime is a fun 90s-style arcade shooting/time-attack game. Players must battle enemies to collect time gems while flying at high-speed. Dodge past hordes of enemies and unleash your powerful scratch attack at close range, but beware the constantly ticking clock!
1493 Deluxe Game

Plays: 5540
Category: Action Games
Be the best Ace of the Skies! Get the Highest Score!

Plays: 5466
Category: Action Games
A giant fleet of enemy is escorting an enemy Flying Fortress that is heading towards our lines.. it's your duty to stop them!
Assault Typing Powered Game

Plays: 5400
Category: Shooting Games
A typing game with mix of shmup genre. With upgrades, pickups, 3D prerendered graphics, and more!
Giant Robot Ninja (from Outer Space) VS. Zombie Pirates Game

Plays: 5341
Category: Action Games
In "Giant Robot Ninja (from Outer Space) VS. Zombie Pirates" you play a Giant Robot Ninja from outer space in a battle against the evil hordes of Zombie Pirates who are trying to corrupt the entire universe!!!! Based on a true story.

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