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Online Smoking Games
Quit Smoking Game

Plays: 4499
Category: Action
Use ecigs to blast away at cigarettes!
Smoked Game

Plays: 24170
Category: Puzzles Games
Smoked is a game that use a new tecnology for the calculation of the fluids in the air. In this game you have an amount of smoke and with this smoke you have to fill a room, when all the room will be filled at 100% you will pass to the next level. Every leel you pass, your smoking power goes down. When you lose your Level is sent to a leaderboard that show who was the best.
Smoking Kills Game

Plays: 10483
Category: Action Games
The popularity of sniper games has always fascinated me. After countless hours of research, I have determined that this is what you want.
Waterpucho Game

Plays: 9920
Category: Shooting Games
You are in the Far West with some enemies: cigarettes! But you´re not alone: a water pistol and some accuracy can help you!
mouth Game

Plays: 9732
Category: Action Games
Cartoon style shooter. Stand for three days, destroy cigarettes, and mouth stop smoking.

Plays: 6577
Category: Shooting Games
You have allotted seconds to identify all cigarettes in the game, and rifle them with your water pistol without hesitation! Due to capacity restriction, the pistol has limited volume for thirty-five shots!
Weed Wizard Game

Plays: 5810
Category: Other Games
A wizard smoking a bong riding a dragon made of the bong smoke. Help the wizard collect weed in the glory of night. The dragon disappears over time and is made stronger and more tangible by collecting weed leaves, and conversely weaker by smacking into the food flying against you.
Quit Smoking Game

Plays: 5387
Category: Action Games
Use ecigs to blast away at cigarettes!
Smoking Kills Game

Plays: 4946
Category: Shooting Games
The popularity of sniper games has always fascinated me. After countless hours of research, I have determined that this is what you want.
Raja's Tight Slap Game

Plays: 4682
Category: Fighting Games
Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to health. Slap the Smokers!
Quit Good Nico Game

Plays: 2673
Category: Action Games
Cut cigarette packets with Nico's claw, and help him in his fight against smoking! Enjoy this addictive shoot&cut game.
Smoking Pipe Collection Game

Plays: 1816
Category: Puzzles Games
Smoking Pipe Collection is another point and click hidden objects game from gamesperk. You need to collect all the smoking pipes which are hidden in this room and place it in the pipe stand. Good Luck and Have a Fun!

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.