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cigarette Games

Featured Free Online cigarette Games

Smoked A Free Puzzles Game
mouth A Free Action Game

Top Rated Online cigarette Games


Newest Free cigarette Games

Quit Smoking
Quit Smoking
Raja's Tight Slap
Classic Baccarat
Classic Baccarat
Rockstar After Party
Rockstar After Party
Smoking Kills
Smoking Kills

Online cigarette Games
Quit Smoking Game

Plays: 4499
Category: Action
Use ecigs to blast away at cigarettes!
Smoked Game

Plays: 24170
Category: Puzzles Games
Smoked is a game that use a new tecnology for the calculation of the fluids in the air. In this game you have an amount of smoke and with this smoke you have to fill a room, when all the room will be filled at 100% you will pass to the next level. Every leel you pass, your smoking power goes down. When you lose your Level is sent to a leaderboard that show who was the best.
Smoking Kills Game

Plays: 10483
Category: Action Games
The popularity of sniper games has always fascinated me. After countless hours of research, I have determined that this is what you want.
mouth Game

Plays: 9732
Category: Action Games
Cartoon style shooter. Stand for three days, destroy cigarettes, and mouth stop smoking.

Plays: 6577
Category: Shooting Games
You have allotted seconds to identify all cigarettes in the game, and rifle them with your water pistol without hesitation! Due to capacity restriction, the pistol has limited volume for thirty-five shots!
Classic Baccarat Game

Plays: 6249
Category: Casino Games
The first things you see in the game space are: a cigarette, a golden wristwatch and a necktie. All these items belong to a powerful man who often visits this place. As many people of this sort he came to his power not very honestly. During his lifetime he did many awful deeds. In his childhood he tortured animals, being a teenager he was a drug pusher and a head of a gang. When the man became an adult, he started to distribute unlawful arms and to torture people with the aim to enrich at their expense. He had everything he wanted: money and power; but at the end of his life he felt he had no feelings, no love and no man to trust. That time the thoughts about this dreadful life began disturb him so he came to that place to play cards and to divert.
Quit Smoking Game

Plays: 5387
Category: Action Games
Use ecigs to blast away at cigarettes!
Raja's Tight Slap Game

Plays: 4682
Category: Fighting Games
Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to health. Slap the Smokers!
Classic Caribbean Poker Game

Plays: 4637
Category: Casino Games
The table game you downloaded is called Classic Caribbean Poker. It immerses you in the atmosphere which is comfortable and full of emotional strain. You see cards of unusual design, a classical green table and a cigarette smoldering in an ash-tray. These settings give you the feeling of presence and they make the game real. In it instead of playing against other players as is the case in traditional poker, you compete one-on-one with the dealer. The play is short and quick, quite similar to Black Jack but rather then receiving two cards, the player receives a five- card poker hand. The sensations you feel while playing Classic Caribbean Poker is not reproducible! Emotional animation and excellent mood is guaranteed! Take pleasure in the game, graphics, music and background tunes!
Chainlinks Game

Plays: 4294
Category: Action Games
Normal day and the flammable objects of a small community are living peacefully inside their wooden box. But all of a sudden, they hear some strange and disturbing noises! They suspect the worst case scenario…and unfortunately they were right! Before long ago they exiled a small bomb for being too reckless and really dangerous to them… But now is time for some payback! The little bomb has grown big and returns to that exact same box to spread panic! How many can he blow up? This is up to you…
Rockstar After Party Game

Plays: 3579
Category: Customize Games
Oh, no! Those nasty rockstars wrecked the green room! Now you're going to have to clean it up. But don't worry, you've been practicing your guitar riffs. You may be cleaning up their cigarette butts and empty bottles now, but pretty soon you'll have an awesome music career and you can hire these rockstars as your roadies!
Quit Good Nico Game

Plays: 2673
Category: Action Games
Cut cigarette packets with Nico's claw, and help him in his fight against smoking! Enjoy this addictive shoot&cut game.

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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.