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Online ad Games
Selena Gomez Dressup Game

Plays: 68367
Category: Dress-Up Games
Dress Up Selena Gomez and get her ready for an ad shoot.
Family Guy Solitaire Game

Plays: 545248
Category: Puzzles Games
Solitaire got even cooler! Now you can play solitaire with the Griffins! Choose between any of your favorite Family Guy characters including: Peter, Stewie, Chris, Brian and Lois ad start your Solitaire fun! Oh... and you could choose Meg but who would want to?
Mind Flipper Game

Plays: 22712
Category: Word Games
C'mon down and try your luck at Mind Flipper, where spelling meets wit, brains outweigh brawn, and budget prevents us from creating a hot babe to flip the letters. Yep, it's America's new favorite game show, and with some ad support, it's free to play! Link letters, create words, max out on points, and do it quickly - time is your enemy!
Murder i Solved (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 14097
Category: Education Games
A murder has happened and you are called to solve it. This is by no means a simple hidden objects game; you are given not only objects to find, but also clues to solve. That is not all, if you solve the murder and can spot the murderer, you will unlock a bonus level to catch the killer. So get ready, you have a murder to solve. Game Features: 5 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Tribal Jungle - Jewel Quest (Match Three Game) Game

Plays: 13318
Category: Education Games
This is a High Risk – High Reward situation. Treasure is hidden in the tribal jungle; you must break the blocks hiding it by matching gems of the same kind and find it. However it is not that easy, once you find the treasure you must collect it by bringing it to the bottom of the grid. With limited time and angry locals, your jewel quest will not be easy. Game Features: 10 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Mancala Game

Plays: 11127
Category: BoardGame Games
This is an ancient board game which dates back to the 6th century AD, and your target is to gather as many pieces of gems in your store as you can. On the game board, 12 small pits are divided into 2 rows, and each of the pits contains 4 pieces of gems. The upper row of pits belongs to the computer, and the lower row is yours. The 2 large pits on the left and right of the board are the stores, with the one on the right belongs to you, and the one on the left belongs to the computer. You and the computer will take turns to move the gems, and each time you may click any of the pits on your row. When a pit is selected, the gems inside will be distributed one by one to the next pits in counterclockwise direction. If the last gem of a move lands on your store, then you can take one more turn by selecting another pit. If the last gem of a move lands on an empty pit on your side while the opposite pit contains gems, then you can capture all of the gems in both pits and put them to your store. The same rules apply to the moves made by the computer. When the pits on one of the rows are emptied, the game ends. The remaining gems on the pits belonging to you will be counted as yours, and those on the pits of the computer will be counted as the computer's. Capture the gemstones with tactics and win prosperously!
A-Bot Game

Plays: 10675
Category: Shooting Games
Addictive space arcade shooter with strong pixelart style graphics and dynamic music. 2165 A.D. You are A-Bot - independent anti-asteroid robot with mission to defend navigation platform. Suddenly you meet unknown threat from space. Alien insectoids arrived on giant asteroid to your galaxy. Now you are the advanced boundary of defense! NOTE: 1. This version has 14 levels. 2. Take a look at some gameplay features on youtube:
Mystic City (Dynamic Hidden Objects) Game

Plays: 10389
Category: Puzzles Games
Welcome to Mystic City. Do not believe anything you see. But do look around and find the magical objects. Game Features: 3 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Abandoned City (Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 8998
Category: Education Games
The only way to save the city was to abandon it. It was a plan, a very big plan, a very very big plan… We were supposed to abandon the city and when we returned it would have been cleaned and rebuilt by robots. However, a few of them are not working, and they must be fixed. You a young technician must fix the robots using only the junk available in the abandoned city. So get started, and best of luck. Game Features: 4 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Warehouse (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 8099
Category: Education Games
You were hired to find objects lost in the Warehouse. These objects are of great importance to your employer and time is a concern. You are promised great rewards if you can find the required objects before you run of time. So hurry up and find the lost objects. Game Features: 5 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Village Backyard (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 7956
Category: Education Games
You find yourself in a village backyard, a place where even dirt is gold. So go through the backyard carefully and pick anything that stands out. It could be your lucky day and you could strike gold. Game Features: 4 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Lancelot in Camelot (Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 7894
Category: Education Games
Sir Lancelot is taking some time off in Camelot. However, life is not easy even for the warrior. Being away from home for so long, his house is a mess. Help Lancelot collect his belongings and purchase a few items in Camelot so that he can enjoy the rest of vacation in peace and quiet. Game Features: 4 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Fidi Game

Plays: 7334
Category: Action Games
Fidi is a fresh take on an old idea. The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible which can be submitted to the worldwide leaderboards. Fidi is an ad based free-to-play Flash game and a low cost iPhone game, with specific changes between the platforms. The Flash version has two different control modes, and implements Mochi Ads and Mochi Social for leaderboards. The iPhone version was designed ground-up for the platform, and is controlled completely via the accelerometer, it implements the OpenFeint social system and is advert free
Pick Up and Drop Off (Spot the Differences Game) Game

Plays: 7185
Category: Education Games
Something is not right at the transit station. Workers are making errors and shipments are delayed. So you decide to inspect the pick up and drop off station to find what is wrong. Take a look at the before and after images to find the differences. These differences could hold the clues in helping you figure out what is happening here. Game Features: 4 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Arthurs Castle (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 6955
Category: Puzzles Games
You are a time traveller; trapped in time. With none of your modern machinery, you must fix your time machine to get back to the future using only the sticks and stones you can find in Arthurs Castle. However, this is Camelot, a place of Magic! You might just find what you need to get back home. Game Features: 4 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Lost Tribe (Dynamic Hidden Objects Game) Game

Plays: 6724
Category: Education Games
Lost tribe is about starting a lost and found service in a small tribe. You have a list of items you must find and that can only be found once you search the entire tribe. It is just amazing the amount of things people can lose in a small tribe. Game Features: 3 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Adver Averno Game

Plays: 6426
Category: Action Games
Can a soul flee from hell?
Rainbow Rabbit Adventure Game

Plays: 5811
Category: Adventure Games
Little P and little C are going to take an adventure to a wonderful rainbow world. Let's begin the exciting adventure right away!
Steal This Election Game

Plays: 5739
Category: Other Games
Experience election fraud at it's finest, using the highly classified EYE-BERRY™ device. Pick from four different candidates, and then run ad campaigns in the swing states to sway the public.
Come2Play Multiplayer Games Game

Plays: 5517
Category: BoardGame Games
These are Multiplayer flash board games: Chees, Backgammon, Reversi, Connect 4, TicTacToe, Checkers and more. The ad is shown at the beginning of each game (when you choose to play)

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Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.