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Online camera Games
Where is Big Foot Game

Plays: 4092
Category: Adventure
For ages people have been trying to snap a photograph of the legendary Big foot. Use your photograph taking skills and capture a photo of the infamous Big Foot in the game 'Where is Big Foot?"
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Shopaholic: Paris Game

Plays: 20407
Category: Dress-Up Games
Live out your shopaholic dreams in the streets of Paris!
Camera Game

Plays: 22986
Category: Dress-Up Games
Remodel this cute model of a camera. Drag and drop the various Furniture, accessories, and decorations into your room to remodel and make it look the best.
Table Tennis 2.5D Game

Plays: 20158
Category: Sports Games
A Table Tennis game with different levels of difficulty. The first to score 11 points wins the match. Use the mouse to control one of the floating rackets. In this game the camera is right behind the player, but you can see through your racket so it doesn't block your view.
Webcam Dress Up Game

Plays: 15150
Category: Dress-Up Games
Dress up yourself with your webcam.
Where's Bunny? Game

Plays: 12200
Category: Puzzles Games
You're in New York City with your pal, Bunny, but he keeps scurrying away to go off exploring! New York can be a dangerous place for a little rabbit all on his own. You never can seem to catch him, but you can use your trusty digital camera to snap his picture and have peace of mind that he's alright. Oh - and every scene you clear will give you a clue as to where Bunny will travel to in the next edition of "Where's Bunny?"
[WEBCAM] - Target Game

Plays: 12195
Category: Action Games
A Fast Paced Webcam Game - Hit the targets quick, but watch out for the red one!
Tweegee SpyCam Game

Plays: 11789
Category: Other Games
Want to know who is snooping around your computer when you're not there? Catch them on camera!
Primp Carry-on Items Game

Plays: 10935
Category: Dress-Up Games
Play this fun interesting decoration game for girls and primp your carry-on items in your handbag. You can choose three favorite personal items to decorate, such as cell phone, camera, notebook, purse and mirror. Save them and review your works after yu are done. Sounds interesting? Let's play this fun decoration game for girls.
Candy Catch Game

Plays: 10646
Category: Action Games Presents "Candy Catch" - A Webcam game where you have to move around in front of your webcam in order to collect as much candy as possible. However it can sometimes be a difficult choice which way to go......
Night Of The Ninja Game

Plays: 8897
Category: Action Games
A Webcam Game Where You Must Fight Against The Ninja's In Order To Surivive
Paint on Yourself Game

Plays: 8578
Category: Other Games
Paint on yourself with a large range of color and some items for dress up yourself.
Ghostbuster Game

Plays: 8364
Category: Puzzles Games
There are 3 haunted places. The player needs to find all the ghosts in each haunted place to progress to another haunted place. The player wins when he finds all the ghosts in all the haunted places.
alien exist Game

Plays: 8092
Category: Driving Games
You couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw a spaceship in the sky! Then, you couldn’t believe your ears when everyone laughed when you told them what you had seen. If one more person asks you if where the probe went… Now you and your camera are on an international hunt for the spaceship. This time you will have all the proof you need. Everyone will believe you! You will have to be quick. There is just enough time to get a good photo of the ship before it dashes out of sight again.
Ultimate BattleShip Game

Plays: 6476
Category: Shooting Games
This is the first real 3D BattleShip completly made with Flash! It supports smokes, missles and different ships and users can rotate the camera around the sea.
Window Cleaner Game

Plays: 6313
Category: Action Games
A fun webcam game where you need to clean as many windows as you can within the time limit!
PlayRocket Game

Plays: 6221
Category: Other Games
Fun activity for small children - they never get tired of acting out a rocket launch!
Sqwabble Mining Game

Plays: 6164
Category: Action Games
Last year, as we were digging, we ran into a massive cave! After exploring and laying some tracks, many reports of sqwabbles started coming in and miners going missing! We have a special track that follows a path leading high above the cave, take a mining cart and this camera and see if you can find proof that the sqwabbles live deep down in this dark cave!
photoHuntAlice Game

Plays: 6112
Category: Action Games
If Alice had photo camera in Wonderland, how do you think what will she do?
Camera Road Rage Game

Plays: 5951
Category: Shooting Games
Sick and tired of getting fined for maintaining what seems to be a `reasonable speed` to you? Now is your time to take revenge on all the camera`s - REVEALED!

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Tips: Weapon speed can be set to zero and it will effectively create a mine.