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Online century Games
Around the World in 80 Days Game

Plays: 91755
Category: Puzzles Games
Travel back in time to the late 19th century and get ready for spectacular adventures on land, sea and air. Use the unique chance to visit four continents with this outstanding puzzler based on the classic novel of the same name by Jules Verne.
Khun Game

Plays: 35102
Category: BoardGame Games
Digital version of ancient game Tailandes Khun Phaen, is made of a set of movable pieces that can slide inside a 4x5 board. Big black sqare, Khun Phaen, has to overtake nine warders controlling it and reach final position indicated by printed dragon on the wooden bottom of the board.
CRASH Wings Of Fire Game

Plays: 30372
Category: Driving Games
Join the most dangerous air battle of the 20th century with your small plane war Make the best score ARROWS key to move shoot bullet drop bomb drop paratrooper
Magnificent Century Game

Plays: 11747
Category: Education Games
Play Magnificent Puzzle Game
Forest Encounter Game

Plays: 11249
Category: Action Games
You are the last remaining defender. Stop the invading army until reinforcements arrive. Try not to get shot.
Mancala Game

Plays: 11127
Category: BoardGame Games
This is an ancient board game which dates back to the 6th century AD, and your target is to gather as many pieces of gems in your store as you can. On the game board, 12 small pits are divided into 2 rows, and each of the pits contains 4 pieces of gems. The upper row of pits belongs to the computer, and the lower row is yours. The 2 large pits on the left and right of the board are the stores, with the one on the right belongs to you, and the one on the left belongs to the computer. You and the computer will take turns to move the gems, and each time you may click any of the pits on your row. When a pit is selected, the gems inside will be distributed one by one to the next pits in counterclockwise direction. If the last gem of a move lands on your store, then you can take one more turn by selecting another pit. If the last gem of a move lands on an empty pit on your side while the opposite pit contains gems, then you can capture all of the gems in both pits and put them to your store. The same rules apply to the moves made by the computer. When the pits on one of the rows are emptied, the game ends. The remaining gems on the pits belonging to you will be counted as yours, and those on the pits of the computer will be counted as the computer's. Capture the gemstones with tactics and win prosperously!
The Knight's Tour Game

Plays: 9639
Category: Puzzles Games
The knight's tour is a puzzle which dates back to the 9th century, wherin the object is to move a knight to every square on the chessboard exactly once.
Forest Encounter 2 Game

Plays: 9186
Category: Shooting Games
You are the last remaining defender. Stop the invading army until reinforcements arrive. Try not to get shot.
Racer eXperiment - Race of the century Game

Plays: 8832
Category: Shooting Games
You finally own one. The Veyron, fastest car in the world. You get challenged by an owner of a McLaren F1. Says he thinks he can beat you to the quarter mile. You accept. But you notice something weird in the sky... Invaders!!
B29 Assault Game

Plays: 8790
Category: Shooting Games
Terrorists have control of the world in the early 21st century. You go back in time in your jazzed up B29 bomber and free key cities from occupation.
Castlevania Reloaded Game

Plays: 7938
Category: Action Games
Set a century before the events of the original Castlevania, the player controls an ancestor of Simon Belmont named Christopher Belmont who goes on a quest to defeat Dracula. Castlevania Reloaded is a remake of this classic game for the Gameboy. It has been built by fans, for fans. Everything is just like the original.
Beautiful Lolita dress up Game

Plays: 7024
Category: Dress-Up Games
Have you ever heard about the Lolita style? It is a very strange yet cute fashion style that combines 19th century fashion with 21st century style into one fabulous trend. Girls in Japan find this to be very catchy and dress in the Lolita style on every occasion they can. Dress up this lovely Lolita girl and see a small part of this type of fashion.
?????II Game

Plays: 6700
Category: Shooting Games
?????????? ????????,???????
Forest Encounter 2 Mobile Game

Plays: 6606
Category: Action Games
You are the last remaining defender. Stop the invading army until reinforcements arrive.
Forest Encounter 2 Mobile Chinese Game

Plays: 5794
Category: Shooting Games
?????????? ????????,???????
Covert Front 1 Game

Plays: 5671
Category: Puzzles Games
Covert Front is a point and click spy game, where you become an agent code-named Kara and investigate the disappearance of general Karl von Toten. The plot takes place in 1904 but in a different reality-line, where the first world war has already begun due to earlier technical revolution that took place in the mid 19th century.
Castle Draw Game

Plays: 5290
Category: Shooting Games
The stick-war has been raging for over a century. Castle Freakness is the last one standing between your survival and complete obliteration. The Stickmen Alliance mean to kill you and take the castle. They will do anything to get what their fiendish stick-brains want. Use your wizard powers to crush the stick horde before they breach the castle walls and kill you! You've got a force of mercenary dwarves and other power ups to help with your defence - use them wisely or suffer the consequences.
ElectroART Game

Plays: 5243
Category: Action Games
This retro game representing the dawning of electrotechnics of mid 20 th century. In addition to the scientific basis, the game has a philosophical aspect of the relationship of art and technology.
Colonial Girl Game

Plays: 5153
Category: Customize Games
This girl recently arrived on the shores of Colonial America, coming from Britain and bringing with her the elegant fashion style of the 18th century. Help her find a lovely outfit that will swipe the New World off its feet!
The Leon Wars Game

Plays: 4954
Category: Action Games
The fabled Leon Wars, named after the murdered son of King Rodrick, has been raging for almost a century. The king's son was murdered by the slave (and monster) race, the Draylocks. No one quite knows why the Draylocks did this, as all those directly responsible were executed very early on. But it is clear, the Draylocks have had enough of serving humans and lust for power. There is now an ongoing struggle for supremacy and a need to conquer new lands by both human and monster races.

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Tips: For a scope shot game you can go to Gameplay and enable Ghost to remove player/enemy collisions. Use invincible if you don't want enemy fire to hit your scope either.