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concentrese Games

Featured Free Online concentrese Games

Top Rated Online concentrese Games

Newest Free concentrese Games

KMem Animals
KMem Animals
REC Desarrolla tu memoria
REC Desarrolla tu memoria

Online concentrese Games
REC Desarrolla tu memoria Game

Plays: 3342
Category: Education Games
Juego de memoria estilo puzzle que permite realizar parejas de cartas. Memory game, that allow to match cards using a puzzle style.
KMem Animals Game

Plays: 1331
Category: BoardGame Games
This is a classic game that helps improve the memory of the players while having fun. This release contains a variety of cartoon animals: flyers, aquatic, wild and domestic. It has 17 entertaining levels, which increase in difficulty as you go being cleared. Este es un juego clásico, que ayuda a mejorar la memoria de los jugadores mientras se divierten. Esta versión contiene una variedad de dibujos de animales: voladores, acuaticos, salvajes y domésticos. Cuenta con 17 entretenidos niveles, que aumentan de dificultad a medida que van siendo despejados.

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.