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Online conquerors Games
Conquerors of the island Game

Plays: 7903
Category: BoardGame Games
The game is based on the ancient game Ludo. The main objective is to lead all the characters through the field and capture the pyramid. You should prevent the characters of another race from doing that. When you catch the character you throw him to the beginning of the way.
Bohun: Revenge Game

Plays: 4321
Category: Fighting Games
Ukraine, XVI-th century. The southern part of the country borders with the Crimean Khanate's land, which is headed by the brutal and bloody ruler Chuluk-Bay. Regiments of horde mercilessly attacked the ukrainian land, plundering and killing them, small children and women were taken in slavery. But there were those who resisted the conquerors - legendary warriors cossacks. Council of Elders elected cossack Bohun for hazardous mission - to destroy the leader of the horde Chuluk-Bey. There are rumors that Chuluk-Bay worships dark Gods and he takes his strength from them. But Bohun has also secret - light mother-earth's wisdom. He is ready to apply it against Dark Khan to conquer and liberate his people. Bohun will steal in the den of Chuluk-Bay in the night to avoid the numerous enemy forces. Good luck to him.
Conqueror of Hearts Game

Plays: 2713
Category: Action Games
The game trains perfectly, and then estimates skill of conquest of hearts which can be useful once. The harmonious combination of style, music, humour and gameplay cheers up perfectly. What it is necessary to do in game to deserve the high status? - To pass training circles; - Precisely and without misses shoots on hearts; - To win hearts of beautiful princesses; - And don't to shoot on all to the rest, for not to receive the bad characteristic. Especially talented conquerors of hearts while maintaining occupy pride of place in the "League of Brave"
Maya vs Conquistadors Game

Plays: 2439
Category: Action Games
Christopher Columbus discovered previously unknown lands in 1492, and within twenty years the conquest of these new lands was proceeding quickly. Native communities were attacked and enslaved and any treasures they may have had such as gold, silver or pearls were taken. Protect citizens from enemies. Sets the gun towards the enemy, build mines, sow corn.
Fort Defender Game

Plays: 1783
Category: Action Games
The game involves map style of theme where the player needs to defend from the conquerors from other forts to enter in to their's. Player uses mouse to click at the desired place to install the defending weapon to obstruct the enemy trespassers to enter the fort. As the time moves the speed and number of enemies goes up that makes the defender feel more challenging to play.
Flash Conquerors Game

Plays: 17298
Category: Shooting Games
Create units and gun towers to protect your castle from onslaught of enemy units!

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Tips: For a scope shot set the Player weapon speed to zero. Change the player weapon graphic to a circle that gets quickly smaller and then stretch the frame out around 4000 frames so it doesn't repeat itself.