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  Sharkies Revenge A Free Online Game
Piranha Bite 2 A Free Online Game
Piranha Bite 2
Prophesy A Free Online Game
Zombie Incumbents A Free Online Game
Zombie Incumbents
Bang A Free Online Game
War On The Skies A Free Online Game
War On The Skies
UFO Attack A Free Online Game
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Online donkin Games
Bad Eggs Online Game

Plays: 17102
Category: Action Games
The best Egg vs Egg multiplayer game on the web! Command an impressive arsenal of weaponry and take on players from around the globe in classic multiplayer deathmatch battles. Register so that you can save your stats, complete challenges and level up to unlock new weapons, new badges, and new playable egg shells.
The Legend of the Golden Robot Game

Plays: 10428
Category: Action Games
Take on the role of artefact hunter and all round hero, Indigo Steve, in this epic adventure. Battle mythical creatures and evil wizards, dig up exciting treasures, play bar games against drunk Vikings, fight alongside little critter friends that you discover along your quest, and much more.
Pandas Bigger Adventure Game

Plays: 7291
Category: Adventure Games
After discovering a time traveling 'portaloo' machine, Panda's life has been a roller coaster of discovery, adventure and thrill. This time Panda must help the portaloo's real owner get free from a future space prison. Venture back in time to Ancient Italy, World War II, the Wild West and the mob-ruled America to break the prison encryption key and get back home for some hobnobs and a cup of tea!
Hambo 2 Game

Plays: 5766
Category: Action Games
Hambo is back, this time in Chicago trying to clean the swines out of the city using a variety of weapons. Oh and wormholes, no idea how they fit in, but people seem to like wormholes in games. Can you get to to Pig Capone’s stronghold and deliver him an explosive pineapple ? Do you even want to ? Probably not :)
Battle Beavers Game

Plays: 5752
Category: Action Games
A beat ’em up with RPG elements. Follow the story of a beaver named Bold on a mission to defeat Rangor the Terrible. Lots of enemies to fight, equipment to unlock, stats to upgrade, special moves to find and more.
The Dreamerz Game

Plays: 3628
Category: Adventure Games
The dream machine used to ensure that everybody slept well and had good dreams but one day it broke down and the dreamerz became plagued by nightmares. A hero was needed... and one was found; you. Repair the machine and restore peace to the world in the latest point and click adventure by Rob Donkin and RobotJAM.

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Tips: Explosion graphics animate until the end of their timeline and then disappear. A single frame explosion will disappear almost instantly and not look that great. Usually 20-40 frames for an explosion should work well.