Online esquiva Games |
La venganza del Pepino español Game
     Plays: 7464 Category: Action Games El pepino español viaja a Alemania para vengar a sus hermanos caídos, pasto de las moscas, recuperar los millones de euros perdidos y limpiar su nombre, mancillado por Angie.
Recupera los dineros, aplasta salchichas, esquiva bacterias de E.coli y cuídate de la Merkel. | Asteroide dodge (English) Game
     Plays: 5210 Category: Adventure Games Use your mouse to move the ship and avoid getting hit by the asteroids. You must last 60 seconds to save your ship. |
San Fermin Encierro Bull Running Turbo EX Game
     Plays: 3880 Category: Action Games Description
Run the San Fermin’s encierro (bull runnings) in this speed game, avoid obstacles and arrive in time, enjoy the party through this particular vision of them!
Corre los encierros de San Fermin en este juego de velocidad, esquiva obstaculos y llega a tiempo, disfruta de las fiestas a traves de esta vision particular de las mismas | Obstacle race 2 Game
     Plays: 3577 Category: Driving Games Avoid obstacles, collect the most money, escape. |
Obstacle Race Game
     Plays: 3534 Category: Action Games Drive your Ferrari avoiding obstacles and collecting money. | Asteroid dodge (Spanish) Game
     Plays: 3249 Category: Adventure Games Use your mouse to move the ship and avoid getting hit by the asteroids. You must last 60 seconds. |