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Online hangman Games
Video Hangman Game

Plays: 18909
Category: Puzzles Games
Video Hangman based on the classic word guessing game Hangman. It features full motion video and high score leaderboards.
Hangman Game

Plays: 200513
Category: Word Games
Classic game of hangman, guess the letters to stop the hanging!
Bloody Hangman Game

Plays: 51950
Category: BoardGame Games
Flags of the world hangman. In this bloody version of hangman you have to know the flags of the worlds countries. If you don't, our hero dies...
HangWord Game

Plays: 38822
Category: Word Games
The Classic game of hangman. You have 10 guesses to try and get the hidden word. Each correct guess wins you points, get the whole word right and you get an extra guess. Once your hung its game over.
Gibbets 2 Game

Plays: 18517
Category: Puzzles Games
Save the innocent people being hung by shooting the nooses with your bow and arrow. Be careful not to miss!
The Stairway Game

Plays: 16885
Category: Word Games
You just died and that is just the start of your day. Now you must climb a massive stair and solve riddles given to you by everyone you bump into. Meet mythical beings and solve their riddles to get to your ultimate goal.
hangman 3 languages Game

Plays: 16384
Category: Word Games
Guillotine Game

Plays: 13333
Category: BoardGame Games
The Guillotine is back in this hangman style game! Just how long can you last in this game of words?
Spanzuratoarea Game

Plays: 12899
Category: Word Games
Spanzuratoarea - cuvinte romanesti (Hangman with romanian words)
Meaning Fall Game

Plays: 12841
Category: Adventure Games
A word game which mixes the logic of crossword & hangman.
Hangmas Game

Plays: 10213
Category: BoardGame Games
Hangmas (HANgman ChristMAS) is a Christmas themed version of the classic hangman game, when you have to guess word avoiding your man to be completed and hanged! In this version all the words are christmas related and you have 11 total chances to solve 20 words, complete the game and save Santa Claus and Christmas!
Hang 'em High Game

Plays: 9104
Category: Puzzles Games
Simple point and click hangman. Select a category and try to guess what word is hidden. The game contains over 150 words in 7 different categories.
Gibbets Game

Plays: 8850
Category: Action Games
Use your bow and arrow to save the people being hanged! Shoot the ropes to set them free, but be careful not to accidentally shoot the people instead!
Jogo da Forca Game

Plays: 7871
Category: Education Games
Divirta-se com o jogo da forca, descubra a palavra ou frase e livre nosso amigo Flip da forca. Faça maior numero de pontos que puder. Boa sorte!
TruHangman 2 Test Game

Plays: 7442
Category: Education Games
A test of TruHangman, beta version. A hangman type game with literary learning through fun facts and hints, and anyone who goes through the full testing instructions will be added to the credits!
Christmas Hangman Game

Plays: 6849
Category: BoardGame Games
This quick and fun Christmas themed game will heighten your appetite for more gaming while testing your knowledge regarding Christmas songs, heroes, food... even reindeers. Hang me Santa is the prequel of a series of Hangman games that are under development.
Tennis Hangman Game

Plays: 6697
Category: Puzzles Games
Classic hangman game. Topic: Top 50 tennis men players.
Xbox 360 Hangman Game

Plays: 5713
Category: Puzzles Games
Hang Man with Xbox 360 words in it.

Plays: 5608
Category: Puzzles Games
Find the passwords as fast as possible in Time Attack mode, or challenge your friend in Versus mode and throw him some malus if you're clever !
TruHangman Game

Plays: 5411
Category: Puzzles Games
The classic game of hangman, using authors, poets, books and literary knowledge.

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Tips: For things like scopes or hands which are either on or can go to the edge of the screen you should go to Player|Advanced and change the Bounds parameter to around 10 or so. This will give you a point based bounding box instead of a auto bounding box.